From Bob Hanford – Bill Vanderbeek, sponsor for the One-Design event since its inception, thought it had run its course. Then Bob Sowder saw a picture of Bruce Hannah's Monks design, and asked if he could send the plans for it to him and Mark Vancil (Retro R/C) to possibly kit the design. A poll was sent out among active NATS participants, and enough responded...
J. D. Powell, Junior Model Planes, 1945 Thanks to Mark Fineman! Take me to the Library
Thanks to the digital efforts of Chris Stoddart, we've just added 87 issues of the Cleveland Free Flight Society's Crosswinds newsletter, from 1980–2017. You can read them here. Thank-you Chris!
For Sale: 2003 Honda XR 100 Chase Bike located in Lost Hills 2025 Am Cup For Sale: 2003 Honda XR 100 Chase Bike located in Lost Hills From: Mike Roberts Roger For the next SEN edition. For Sale: 2003 Honda XR 100 Chase Bike located in Lost Hills. Asking $800.00. Contact Mike Roberts at Mike 2025 Am Cup From : Jim Parker The...
RIP Bernie Crowe Joergen Korsgaard 1945-2025 RIP Bernie Crowe From: Clint Brooks Hi Roger I have news that Bernie Crowe passed away March 7th after a struggle with diminishing health. I have no other news about it at this time. Please share this with the FAI community Bernie was part of for so long. He had curtailed his major contest participation after suffering a heart attack...
Regarding F1B. 30g to 25g and the banning of flappers in F1B: Pro 35? Other ways I will Grudgingly Comply Is it me ?* OR There are other things beside F1B to worry about Regarding F1B. from: Editor After numerous requests for data I posted some excerpts from a conversation I was having with Blake Jensen. He saw the post and let me know he...
Re SEN 3322 Evidence Some editorial observations With respect to VLOS. Pro 25 g Looking at the evidence San Valeers Annual Re SEN 3322 Evidence From: Roy E. Smith Hi Roger, I would like to make a comment with respect to Peter Martin's suggestion that FAI rules changes be supported by unbiased and documented evidence. As a Professional Engineer all my working life, I completely concur with...
RIP Mario Rocca Performance Analysis ? Looking for Nelson piston kit RIP Mario Rocca From: Urs Schaller RIP Mario Rocca, Mario Rocca, a former World Champion in F1C (Taft 1979), left us after a short illness. The nicest and most agreeable person you can think of. We will never forget his smile and attention to others. Urs Performance Analysis ? From:Peter Martin Dear SEN,...