The NFFS President's Message for January 2000

What is happening with the NFFS business at this time is that we are waiting for a number of projects and events to be completed. To keep you informed, these are:

1. NFFS election results.

At the time of my writing this column, the election of new district VPs for the Southern and Central Regions has not been completed. The closeoff date for sending in ballots is November 30, 1999. And I expect that the results will be reported by December 10, 1999. The new officers do take over their duties on January 1, so the first announcement of who won these positions will be seen on the NFFS Website <

2. NFFS Budget.

The new treasurer, Homer Smith, and I have begun the first steps in presenting a budget to the Vice Presidents for their approval. As soon as it has been approved, it will be presented to the membership via the Digest. I expect it will be included in the February or March issue.

3. Scholarship Committee Report.

The Scholarship Committee, under the leadership of Ed Lamb, has produced its final report for adoption by the Vice Presidents. It is under discussion now and should be announced publicly in the February Digest. One tip for all youngsters of high school age: make sure you are an active free flight competitor, a member of NFFS and that you maintain good grades in school. If so, you have an excellent chance of winning one of the NFFS scholarships.

4. Publications Committee.

Hardy Brodersen is organizing the publications committee for NFFS which will provide guidance and assistance to all of our publications. Announcement of membership will be made as soon as the committee begins its work.

5. Approved the concept of a National Cup Competition Program.

This concept was presented by Bob Perkins and is based upon the America's Cup competition which has proved so successful for FAI fliers. Bob's proposal includes AMA and NFFS events not currently included in the America's Cup competition. Further details on this exciting program will be forthcoming shortly.


So, that is how your officers have been spending their time and energies for the past several weeks. In addition to the Symposium and other projects, your NFFS has been hard at work making free flight more interesting for all of us. Tune us in next month.

Bob Stalick, NFFS President.

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This page last updated December 1, 1999. Send Comments to: