National Free Flight Society

SEN 2638

  1. SCAT Oktoberfest
  2. Kotuku Cup Registration
  3. F1C Dawn FO

SCAT Oktoberfest
The SCAT – Southern California Aero Team – Oktoberfest will be held on October 21 , that is the day after F1C day, the official Reserve day of the Champs.  It will be at the White Awnings/tents at the North West corner of the RV/Car parking lot.  That’s where they direct you or you decide which is the flight line for the event of the day.  It starts at 3PM ( unless some flying event is still going on) .  Be sure to bring the SCAT mug you were probably given.  Free drinks and food …. And it is Oktoberfest.

Kotuku Cup Registration
At Oktoberfest

F1C Dawn FO
Starts in50 minutes