National Free Flight Society

Index to FAI Free Flight Championships results

Top three results in each event are given on this page, select the required event name to access full results.

Held at Szentes, Hungary from August 6-12
No. Name Country Score rank 1 rank 2
1 Igor Bombek CRO 960 +360 +433
2 Robert Lesko CRO 960 +360 +367
3 Julien Sion ROU 960 +360 +315
Champion team: France
Held at Szentes, Hungary from August 6-12
No. Name Country Score rank 1 rank 2
1 Stepan Stefanchuk UKR 960 +360 +401
2 Gilad Mark ISR 960 +360 +385
3 Rolandas Mackus LTU 960 +360 +334
Champion team: Serbia
Held at Szentes, Hungary from August 6-12
No. Name Country Score rank 1 rank 2
1 Yury Shvedenkov CAN 1020 +360 +398
2 Edward Burek POL 1020 +360 +365
3 Raimond Naaber EST 1020 +360 +360
Champion team: China
Held at Szentes, Hungary from August 6-12
Place Country Total time F1A time F1B time F1C time
1 France 8657 2822 2775 3060
2 Lithuania 8601 2692 2880 3029
3 Israel 8399 2562 2880 2957
Held at Turda, Romania from August 21 to 25
No. Name Country Score
1 Ivan Treger SVK 500.00
2 Daniel Bildea ROU 493.33
3 Stanislaw Kubit POL 476.33
Champion team: Poland
Held at Turda, Romania from August 21 to 25
No. Name Country Score
1 Theo Laura FRA 500.00
2 Angelo Sartori ITA 499.00
3 Clarisse Trachez FRA 490.00
Champion team: France
Held at Slanic, Romania from March 14 to 17
No. Name Country Score
1 Ivan Treger SVK 57.09
2 Corneliu Mangalea ROU 55.26
3 Anthony Hebb GBR 54.12
Champion team: Romania
Held at Slanic, Romania from March 14 to 17
No. Name Country Score
1 Calin Bulai ROU 51.33
2 Filip Gheorghe Tatu ROU 47.20
3 Georgian Chitu Daniel ROU 44.31
Champion team: Romania
Held at Prilep, Republic of Macedonia from July 25-29
No. Name Country Score rank 1
1 Martin Bencik SLO 960 +396
2 Alexey Khoroshev RUS 960 +392
3 Sagi Brudni ISR 960 +367
Champion team: Israel
Held at Prilep, Republic of Macedonia from July 25-29
No. Name Country Score rank 1 rank 2
1 Bojan Gostojic SRB 1020 +360 +472
2 Sebastian Jackel GER 1020 +360 +367
3 Omri Sela ISR 1020 +360 +355
Champion team: Czech Republic
Held at Prilep, Republic of Macedonia from July 25-29
No. Name Country Score rank 1
1 Maksim Poliakov RUS 1260 +293
2 Ilya Trapeznikov RUS 1260 +272
3 Michal Krezel POL 1220
Champion team: Poland
Held at Prilep, Republic of Macedonia from July 25-29
Place Country Total time F1A time F1B time F1P time
1 Poland 8941 2578 2847 3516
2 Russia 8880 2719 2757 3404
3 Ukraine 8594 2625 2587 3382