National Free Flight Society

Index to 1972 FAI Free Flight Championships results

Top three results in each event are given on this page, select the required event name to access full results.

Held at Cardington, Great Britain from August 26 to 29
Rank Name Country Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
1 M Andrews USA 36.12 34.57 71.09
2 K Rybecki CS 35.41 33.54 69.35
3 J Jiraski CS 36.12 32.37 68.49
Champion team: Czechoslovakia
Held at Homburg, Germany from September 1 to 4
Rank Name Country Round
1 J Ewen LUX 1230
2 A Bucher SUI 1201
3 H Chmelik AUT 1193
Champion team: Dem.Rep.Germany
Held at Homburg, Germany from September 1 to 4
Rank Name Country Round 1 Round 2 total
1 J Mabey GBR 1239 186 1425
2 R Koen TUR 1239 134 1373
3 N Yalcinkaya TUR 1216 N/A 1216
Champion team: Austria
Held at Otocac, Yugoslavia, August 12
Rank Name Country Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 total
1 Jean Michel FRA 1260 180 180 140 1760
2 Varda Dusan YUG 1260 180 180 94 1734
3 Bauman Frantz BRD 1260 180 102 N/A 1542
Champion team: Yugoslavia