National Free Flight Society

Index to 1998 FAI Free Flight Championships results

Top three results in each event are given on this page, select the required event name to access full results.

Held at Slanic Prahova, Romania from October 11 to 17
No. Name Country Score
1 Steve Brown W/C 45.11 + 44.04 = 89.15
2 Andras Ree HUN 45.13 + 43.40 = 88.53
3 Jim Richmond USA 44.21 + 43.07 = 87.28
Champion Team: Hungary
Held at Sibiu, Romania from August 15 to 21
No. Name Country Score
1 Philippe Drapeau FRA 1290 + 286
2 Mikko Sivonen FIN 1290 + 237
3 Brigitte Truppe AUT 1290 + 229
Champion Team: Slovakia
Held at Sibiu, Romania from August 15 to 21
No. Name Country Score
1 Aleks Marjanovic YUG 1290 + 300 + 314
2 Alex Grushichev RUS 1290 + 300 + 209
3 Pavel Geraskin RUS 1290 + 300 + 123
Champion Team: Russia
Held at Sibiu, Romania from August 15 to 21
No. Name Country Score
1 Egor Kanakhin RUS 600 + 180 + 240 + 255
2 Alexei Bogach UKR 600 + 180 + 240 + 248
3 Sergey Deshevoi RUS 600 + 180 + 240 + 233
Champion Team: Russia
Held at Sibiu, Romania from August 15 to 21
No. Country Score
1 Russia 9416
2 Ukraine 9119
3 Poland 9017
Champion Team: Russia
Held at Slanic Prahova, Romania from October 11 to 17
No. Name Country round 1 round 2 round 3
1 Tatiana Moskalieva UKR 38.09 35.59 74.08
2 Jakub Filek POL 35.32 34.42 70.14
3 Cristian Romonti ROM 30.48 28.07 58.55
Champion Team: Romania
Held at Beja, Portugal from July 4 to 10
No. Name Country round 1 round 2
1 Dusan Fric CZE 1290 381
2 Alexei Ruazantsev RUS 1290 296
3 Maarten Van Dijk NED 1290 290
Champion Team: Slovakia
Held at Beja, Portugal from July 4 to 10
No. Name Country round 1 round 2
1 Alexandr Andriukov UKR 1290 472
2 Anselmo Zeri NED 1290 461
3 Evgueny Gorban UKR 1290 447
Champion Team: Germany
Held at Beja, Portugal from July 4 to 10
No. Name Country round 1 round 2
1 Evgueny Verbitsky UKR 1320 300
2 Ken Faux GBR 1320 285
3 Leonid Fouzeev RUS 1320 126
Champion Team: Great Britain
Held at Muszyna, Poland from September 28 to October 3
No. Name Country round 1 round 2 round 3 round 4 round 5 round 6 round 7
1 Vojtech Zima CZE 1440 500.00
2 Peter Teller HUN 240 282 300 300 300 1422 494.00
3 Karl-Heinz Ritterbusch GER 240 300 280 300 300 1420 493.33
Champion Team: Czech Republic
Held at Muszyna, Poland from September 28 to October 3
No. Name Country round 1 round 2 round 3 round 4 round 5 round 6 round 7
1 Mircslav Polonec SVK 240 233 300 300 300 1373 477.67
2 Catalin Dragusin ROM 240 251 300 300 180 1271 443.67
3 Peter Nosko SVK 240 300 145 265 300 1250 436.66
Champion Team: Slovakia