National Free Flight Society

FAI World Championship 1951 in class F1C

Held at Lesce-Bled, Yugoslavia on August 24

Flight times are given in each of the 3 rounds in seconds.

Individual results

Rank Name Country Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Total
1 Gerhard Schmid SUI 123 300 177 600
2 Heinz Lauchli SUI 84 221 240 545
3 Guyot FRA 195 488
4 Jonkers BEL 270 461
5 Morisset FRA 96 180 176 453
6 Gerber SUI 200 449
7 Kneeland USA
8 Lippens BEL
9 Florin FRA
10 Elgin USA
11 Ferber BEL
12 Jonkers BEL
13 Jeanne BEL
14 Schramme SUI
15 Gilg FRA
16 Bourthoumieu FRA

Team Results

Country Abbreviation Total Team Member Place
Switzerland SUI 1594 1 2 6
France FRA 1204 3 5 9
Belgium BEL 977.9 4 8 11
United States USA 679.9 7 10