National Free Flight Society

FAI World Championship Indoor class F1D 1974

Held at Lakehurst, USA from July 3 to 5
Flight times are given for each of the 6 rounds in ‘min.sec’ form. Note that * indicates the best time recorded, + marks the second best time, together these add to give the contest time given in the right hand column

Individual results

Rank Name Country Flight 1 Flight 2 Flight 3 Flight 4 Flight 5 Flight 6 Total
1 R Czechowski POL 34.27 34.50 29.01 34.56* 34.53+ 33.34 69.49
2 B Servaites USA 33.59* 6.56 33.40 32.44 25.54 33.51+ 67.50
3 K Rybecky CS 21.51 31.32+ 14.49 19.39 30.27 35.44* 67.16
4 S Kujawa POL 29.45 32.34+ 9.39 28.26 34.32* 9.55 67.06
5 B Ciapala POL 27.52 31.01 32.49+ 17.43 34.11* 30.25 67.00
6 M Andrews W/C 31.12 20.23 33.56* 0.14 32.03+ 31.10 65.59
7 E Chlubny CS 22.38 31.23+ 23.52 28.55 26.47 33.04* 64.27
8 E Stoll USA 30.56+ 26.07 28.59 8.43 29.01 33.08* 64.04
9 J Blount GBR 10.41 12.14 0.36 29.01+ 28.25 33.16* 62.17
10 L Cailliau USA 6.54 8.02 33.31* 26.19 13.24 28.45+ 62.16
11 J Mcgillivray CAN 29.36+ 19.15 32.22* 12.20 28.54 0.15 61.58
12 L Barr GBR 24.41 21.07 28.48+ 13.58 26.49 32.22* 61.10
13 J Kalina CS 15.05 8.33 33.02* 12.35 27.15+ 26.45 60.17
14 P Nore FIN 15.06 20.02 28.08+ 31.43* 2.42 26.38 59.51
15 R Parham GBR 23.48 0.20 21.32 28.20+ 28.11 29.30* 57.50
16 H Raulio FIN 22.00 23.17 31.20* 25.54+ 24.24 25.17 57.14
17 T Minagawa JPN 21.15 27.13+ 28.52* 15.58 21.41 19.13 56.05
18 A De Mello CAN 0.14 6.33 24.35 25.56+ 15.15 29.07* 55.03
19 C Cotugno ITA 25.29 0.05 17.40 26.16+ 26.06 28.10* 54.26
20 A Frioli ITA 7.48 25.22+ 12.30 15.42 19.32 28.44* 54.06
21 W Wetzel BRD 12.53 0.20 27.30* 21.10 25.21 26.24+ 53.54
22 K Vogler BRD 21.51 22.07 27.06* 26.29+ 8.51 23.55 53.35
23 H Erofejeff FIN 14.58 18.51 19.54 24.16 24.53+ 27.32* 52.25
24 M Thomas CAN 23.01 6.34 13.22 26.48* 11.29 24.12+ 51.00
25 F Migani ITA 19.45 18.54 26.36* 7.48 23.44+ 9.19 50.20
26 B Felstead (pr: M Radoff) AUS 21.55 25.45* 21.12 0.05 22.51+ 17.37 48.36
27 H Tiemann BRD 21.07 23.18+ 21.35 21.48 24.50* 8.38 48.08
28 D Siebenmann SUI 20.45 0.17 15.45 22.00+ 0.14 22.07* 44.07
29 C Wolthoorn NED 21.15+ 21.31* 16.17 16.58 12.04 9.26 42.46
30 F Tapernoux SUI 19.04 14.37 19.29+ 2.14 12.17 22.29* 41.58
31 J Sakoda JPN 15.13 0.00 17.36 6.55 20.12+ 21.37* 41.49
32 S Nonaka JPN 19.49 15.58 20.16+ 20.31* 16.17 0.04 40.47
33 W Heise SUI 6.32 1.19 2.14 14.44* 5.46 10.17+ 25.01
No. of best flights in round 1, 2, 9, 5, 3, 13
No. of 2nd flights in round 3, 6, 5, 7, 7, 5
No. of scoring flights in round 4, 8, 14, 12, 10, 18
No. of flights over 25 min 8, 9, 15, 13, 15, 19, 79
No. of flights over 30 min 4, 5, 7, 3, 5, 9, 33
No. of flights over 35 min 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1
Longest single flight 35.44 by K Rybecky

team results

Country Abbrev Total Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6
Poland POL 203.55 1 1 1 1 1 1
USA USA 194.10 2 4 2 2 2 2
Czechoslovakia CS 192.00 3 2 3 4 3 3
Great Britain GBR 181.17 4 8 9 7 4 4
Finland FIN 169.30 9 3 4 5 5 5
Canada CAN 168.01 8 9 6 3 6 6
Italy ITA 158.52 7 7 8 8 8 7
Fed. Rep. Germany BRD 155.37 6 5 5 6 7 8
Japan JPN 138.41 5 6 7 9 9 9
Switzerland SUI 111.06 10 10 10 10 10 10
Australia AUS 48.36 11 11 11 11 11 11
Netherlands NED 42.46 12 12 12 12 12 12