National Free Flight Society

European Championship 1960 in class F1C Power

Held at Lesce-Bled, Yugoslavia from August 8 to 12

Note that although called European Championships the status was not recognised by FAI at that time
Flight times are given in each of the 5 rounds in seconds.

Individual results

Rank Name Country Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4 Score 5 Total
1 Mirko Bjelajac YUG 151 145 180 180 180 836
2 Jurlje Skvorcewski USSR 147 180 180 180 136 823
3 Emil Fresi YUG 180 180 180 180 93 813
4 Aleksander Scepanovic YUG 154 180 157 180 141 812
5 Evgenuj Verbitski USSR 180 180 150 25 178 713
6 Vladimir Petuhov USSR 51 150 140 180 180 701
7 Karl Smit DDR 177 83 179 109 105 653
8 Gerhard Remer DDR 180 126 56 95 180 637
9 Helmut Hefer DDR 77 69 94 161 180 581

team results

rank Country Total Team Member Places
1 YUG 2461 1, 3, 4
2 USSR 2237 2, 5, 6
3 DDR 1871 7, 8, 9