National Free Flight Society

Jury Report on Free Flight World Championships 2017 F1E for Seniors and Juniors

FAI Jury

Andras Ree
Wilhelm Kamp
Aurel Popa
The FAI Jury was formed by Wilhelm Kamp from Austria, Aurel Popa from Romania and as president, Andras Ree from Hungary. Mihail Zanciu, the originally confirmed Romanian jury member had to leave a day before the junior event because of an important family reason, therefore the first reserve Aurel Popa was involved.


August 22-25 2017


Turda, Romania


Three bulletins were sent out to NACs before the event in time and additional information were issued on the spot at arrival and contained the necessary information. One meeting was organized for the team managers, the main officials and the jury on the training day, after the opening ceremony. It was short and effective including only one necessary information and answers for some questions.


The final entry was a total of 38 senior competitors from 12 countries (all full teams) and 25 juniors from 9 countries (8 full teams including 7 girls). This entry was about at the usual level. Ukraine was participating the first time.


Accommodation was organised in different versions. The Motel Stejeris for the jury, the main officials and some teams was good except the noise of the main road traffic, right beside the motel. We haven’t heard about major problems. The food in the hotel and at the contest site was good and plentiful

Flying site

The flying area was the Bogata hills (known also as “tankodrom”, a former military training area). The official training was at the same slopes as the ECh. It was seen, the industrial zone between the hills and the town Turda has been continued to expand in the direction of the hills, but still there is more than enough space for F1E activity. The actual slope was selected according to the wind direction. The Northern slope was used on the junior day, the tough Southern slope on the senior day. The conditions were characterised by the fact: there was no fly off during the championship. At this time mobile toilets were available on the hill. The jury had a tent, table and chairs on the junior day, but not on the senior day.


Junior day, Aug. 23: wind speed was from low to the limit (1-9 m/s), increasing during the day, N-NW direction, the sky was changing, cloudy and sunny. The maximum flying times were 3, 4, 5, 5 and 5 minutes, round times were scheduled for 60 minutes with 15 minutes breaks and 30 minutes lunch break after round 3. The starting line was the same all day long. The first round was interrupted for one hour because the wind direction changed, then it was continued with the round time left (40 minutes) In the first round the number of maxes were 16 from the 25 flights. It was quite easy to fly the increased 4 min max in the second round (23 max from 25 flights), but in the later rounds the wind increased therefore the number of maxes dropped (16, 12 and 13), the full houses as well (15, 8, 3 and 1), so finally there was no fly-off, as only one competitor had full score. The individual winner was a small boy, Theo Laura (FRA) with the only one full house, with just one point margin before Angelo Sartori (ITA). The team winner was France. Senior day, Aug. 24: low to medium, unstable, changing wind speed (1-4 m/s) and direction (mainly from the South) influenced strongly by thermal activity. Sunny, mainly clear sky, in the afternoon some clouds. The weather conditions caused hard task for the competitors and the CD as well (mainly in the fifth round). All rounds were flown on the southern slope, where the right setting of the models and the launch into the valley was tricky and they needed also good luck as well. It was hard to keep the right track in the valley, not to land too early on the left or right hand slopes. In the first round the max was 4 min, and 5 min in the rest of rounds. The round time was 60 min with 15 min breaks except the longer lunch time. It was quite easy to fly the max in the first round (32 max from 38 flights). In the later rounds the number of maxes dropped (19, 6, 12 and 11), the full houses as well strongly (18, 2, 1). As a result of these hard conditions after four rounds only one competitor had full score, so there was no fly-off. The individual winner was Ivan Treger (SVK), the team title was going to Poland close to Slovakia and Romania.


The “Serbia-France Challenge” junior team CIAM trophy was handed over to the French team. The organizers awarded trophies to the first three placed individuals and to all team members in the first three teams. The CIAM trophy is in good condition, but has no protecting box. The winning French team promised to make a box instead of the temporary foam in a paper box and in addition a table onto the trophy basement with the correct name of the trophy.

Opening and Closing Ceremony

The simple opening ceremony was organized on the day of Popa Cringu World Cup event on the contest site. This arrangement pleased the participants but this way it had no publicity in the home town Turda. After greeting the participating countries short speeches were held by the contest director on behalf of the organizer and the jury president who also opened the championship. The prize giving ceremony, the simple closing ceremony and the banquet were organized after each other in the evening of the reserve day in Turda down town at Hotel Salis. The place and food was fine, unfortunately the beginning was delayed because more seats had to establish for the participants. The play of the French anthem failed first, so the team was singing it, but after it was played successfully. During both ceremonies the FAI and the Romanian anthems were played.


The jury had no protest to handle.


The 2017 World Championship in class F1E was a successful event for the seniors and juniors as well. Thanks and congratulations to the local organizing staff and the timekeepers, local ones and from abroad. The young contest director, Zorin Valeanu, was new in this position, but did good job, in cooperation with the FAI jury he was powerful enough to keep the contest well in hands. Only the test flights close to the starting line have to be more strictly forbid next time. The organisers, led by Ioana Dumitru, used the experience they collected through the previous events, several world cup contests, world and continental championships, some smaller problems were solved soon. The weather was not ideal in some rounds, but that was out of their responsibility. Thanks to them for the work and efforts made for the F1E community.