National Free Flight Society

Jury Report on 2014 Indoor Free Flight World Championship F1D for Seniors and Juniors

Jury Report on 2014 Indoor Free Flight World Championship F1D for Seniors and Juniors

FAI Jury

Srdjan Pelajic SRB President
Wilhelm Kamp AUT Member
Cringu Alexandru Popa ROU Member

Contest Director

Marius Conu, ROU


April 1 to 5, 2014


Slanic, Romania

General Comments

The WCh F1D 2014 and Junior WCh F1D were organized by Romanian Modeling Federation (FRMd), which has organized 21 FAI Cat 1 events only in last 11 competition seasons. FRMd experience in organization of indoor FAI Cat 1 events at the same venue Slanic, Prahova County, Mihai Salt Mine is as follows: World Championships 1970, 1982, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2014 and European Championships 1973, 1991, 1997. The organizer succeeded to run these Championships according to the FAI/CIAM standards in spite of financial restrictions, with support by local authorities and a few sponsors. Therefore it deserves appreciation of all participants.

Pre-Contest Information

There were three pre-contest bulletins published from autumn 2013 to March 2014 with all necessary information. Hard copies of the final bulletin with all results were distributed to all teams at the Closing Ceremony.

Accommodation, food, transportation

Participants were accommodated mainly at the three stars Hotel Baia Rosie in Slanic in one and two bed rooms. Breakfasts and dinners were served at the hotel restaurant. Lunch was served at the flying field in the salt mine. Food and accommodation were very good. There was also a canteen at the flying field with sandwiches and beverages. Transportation to and from the flying field (close to the hotel) was by vans or by private cars.

Flying site

Flying field was positioned at a very unusual location in the ex-salt mine that was established in 1936, has a very intensive salt production between 1943 and 1970. There are two levels of the mine: one where indoor competitions are being hold has a ceiling at 80 m above the floor and is not used for visitors and the other deeper and much bigger, but arranged for tourist visits. The flying field was divided to flying area, preparation area, practicing area and restricted area (forbidden admittance). There was provided one table with chairs for every competitor, a table for a computer center, model processing box and the jury’s place. There was also at the same level a canteen and very nice arranged restaurant with very good warm lunches. There were also available toilets and a water tank for washing hands. Half liter bottles of drinkable water were available at the canteen every day.

Layout of the competition area was capitol L shaped. Seniors and juniors competed simultaneously without any problem. Time-keepers where gathered in a pool and a pair of time-keepers was always available for competitors. So, time-keeping was without any problems or complaints in spite of unusual illumination of the competition space for those accustomed to sunny weather in free flight events.


Outer weather conditions were insignificant here. Air temperature was about 11 C and humidity was about 40%. The organizers said that the humidity varies with the seasons and this period of the year in April is the driest period.

Model Processing and motor testing

Model processing was in the processing box where scales and necessary dimension limits were provided.


Flights were controlled by the Contest Director for seniors and juniors and time-keepers. This allowed efficient flying procedure. Time-keeping (TK) was fair and correct. There were 31 TKs, meaning 12 pairs and some reserve TKs, which was enough for 12 teams.

One briefing was held to clarify engine competition conditions in the evening of the practicing day.

Data Processing

Data processing was at a computer center located in the preparation area. It was equipped with laptop computers, printers and skilled operators. Next to the computer center was a scoreboard and in front of it a large monitor for presentation of the results. All necessary data were posted there(after each flight) in real time.


There were no protests or complaints during these Cat 1 events.

Ceremonies and Prizes

Opening Ceremony was held in the preparation area. It was short and friendly.

The Closing Ceremony was held at the swimming pool of Hotel Baia Rosie and the Closing Banquet in the restaurant of the same hotel.

Three best individuals and three best teams received the FAI medals and diplomas. The organizer awarded nice cups to the all team members of the best three teams and individuals in seniors and juniors classifications. The best senior and the World Champion for 2014 was Lee Yuan Kang (USA), who flies F1D less than two years. The second was Brett Sanborn (USA) and the best senior team was the USA. Also the best competitor in junior classification was Ivan Gayett (USA) and the best junior team was Romania. In accordance with the provision of the SC4 Volume ABR par. B.16.1 e and f juniors were not eligible get titles of the World Champions because only three junior teams entered this event and the rules require four. UKR team was correctly registered for the Championship, but it did not cancel its participation nor entered the event. The reason for this can be present political situation in UKR.


a) The Championships were organized in accordance with the FAI/CIAM standards in spite of the financial restrictions that came from a very small participation. b) The organizers showed up a great enthusiasm and ensured a very pleasant event. c) The following remarks were noticed in relation to the existing F1D rules: 1) Ending of the F1D event should be time limited i.e. are the re-flights after the end of the last round allowed and it they are in which time period they must begin. 2) What shall happen if two models collide, that are airborne after the end of the last round. Shall they be allowed to do their re-flights?