National Free Flight Society

FAI European Championship Indoor class F1D 1987

Held at Wroclaw, Poland from August 25 to 30
Flight times are given for each of the 6 rounds in “min.sec” form. Note that * indicates the best time recorded, + marks the second best time, together these add to give the contest time given in the right hand column

Individual results

Rank Name Country Flight 1 Flight 2 Flight 3 Flight 4 Flight 5 Flight 6 Total
1 D Siebenmann SUI 10.35 37.32+ 38.55* 30.38 28.16 33.46 76.27
2 D Orsovai HUN 30.47 33.20 34.45 35.55 38.24* 37.11+ 75.35
3 R Butty SUI 35.26 33.44 37.11* 36.37+ 1.19 32.12 73.48
4 P Nore FIN 15.42 30.27 37.18* 34.49 36.05+ 35.04 73.23
5 0 Velunsek YUG 34.44 33.50 31.21 35.15+ 32.37 37.39* 72.54
6 A Ree HUN 31.38 32.33 30.21 31.59 34.47+ 35.56* 70.43
7 J Kalina CS 16.51 31.46 34.49+ 28.52 32.57 35.38* 70.27
8 0 Rodenburg NED 19.08 17.27 33.25 34.52+ 23.58 35.16* 70.08
9 L Englund FIN 25.16 30.35 35.49* 33.29+ 27.09 27.09 69.18
10 S Kujawa POL 10.22 35.50* 10.06 32.41+ 21.17 23.56 68.31
11 W Nimptsch D 30.27 34.06* 31.32 32.27 32.52 33.40+ 67.46
12 L Ree HUN 12.15 25.45 17.30 32.58+ 27.43 33.46* 66.44
13 E Ciapala POL 31.58+ 31.26 31.25 34.14* 10.53 14.20 66.12
14 R Lotz D 22.39 32.50* 27.15 23.33 32.46+ 24.20 65.36
15 T Andre NED 20.24 30.05+ 34.59* 6.21 12.39 7.44 65.04
16 H Erofejeff FIN 21.56 11.36 32.22* 30.41 30.53 31.19+ 63.41
17 R Czechowski POL 10.47 30.53+ 30.05 32.22* 27.26 29.43 63.15
18 M Mastnak YUG 28.07 21.32 27.17 27.06 31.23* 31.09+ 62.32
19 A Klinck D 24.22 9.58 31.39* 30.50+ 20.20 0.10 62.29
20 V Dvinskikh USSR 20.54 17.52 31.12* 27.43 25.03 30.51+ 62.03
21 L Walek CS 26.17 12.56 17.02 30.42+ 16.31 31.20* 62.02
22 E Liem NED 25.17 30.05+ 30.28* 10.28 10.00 30.04 60.33
23 R Ruppert SUI 26.23 30.34* 28.26 26.36 19.59 29.55+ 60.29
24 K Brandejs CS 10.22 25.54 17.02 27.00+ 22.32 32.33* 59.33
25 V Kmoch YUG 26.33 14.24 25.41 14.10 30.17* 28.40+ 58.57
26 R Grassi ITA 16.28 27.12+ 16.37 28.40* 24.09 22.53 55.52
27 R Champion FRA 25.22+ 23.47 19.45 29.47* 5.39 0.41 55.09
28 G Cognet FRA 18.34 27.34* 24.36 24.50 11.55 27.08+ 54.42
29 R Tabellini ITA 13.48 9.13 9.52 24.14+ 13.25 29.57* 54.11
30 M Ivlev USSR 18.30 6.41 14.18 5.30 24.31+ 28.29* 53.00
31 C Cotugno ITA 0.21 0.23 22.45+ 16.06 1.41 29.47* 52.32
32 A Romashov USSR 15.45 12.19 10.54 24.45+ 27.30* 24.25 52.15
33 J-F Frugoli FRA 22.39+ 18.07 24.28* 4.44 3.53 0.11 47.07
No. of best flights in round 0 5 10 4 4 10 33
No. 2nd best flights in round 3 5 2 11 4 8 33
Total scoring flights in round 3 10 12 15 8 18 66
No. of flights over 25 min 13 20 21 23 16 24 117
No. of flights over 30 min 6 16 17 16 10 16 81
No. of flights over 35 min 1 2 4 3 2 6 18

team results

Rank Country Code Score
1 Hungary HUN 213.02
2 Switzerland SUI 210.44
3 Finland FIN 206.22
4 Poland POL 197.58
5 Fed.Rep.Germany D 195.51
6 Netherlands NED 195.45
7 Yugoslavia YUG 194.23
8 Czechoslovakia CS 192.02
9 USSR USSR 167.18
10 Italy ITA 162.35
11 France FRA 156.58