National Free Flight Society

Jury Report on Free Flight World Championships 1989 F1E for Seniors and Juniors

FAI Jury

Otakar Saffek



Felix Schobel



Pavel Wlodarczyk




From 19 September to 24 September 1989


Nowy Targ, Foland


Teams were accommodated in Recreation center Naftobudowa in hotel or bungalows. The standard of accommodation for all participants were acceptable. The foot was excellent and plentiful. Breakfast and dinner were served in the hotel, packed lunch at the field.

Flying site

The Nowy Targ region is excellent for this category. The all flying sites was at the slopes of the Lower Tatras mountains


Seven countries participated with a total of 21 competitors


Very stable, very hot days, but also praktically without wind. Weather not good for slope soaring glider.Many changes of wind directions durinq the day. In the moorning was every day smog till the noon.


The first FAI slope soaring free flight world championships were organised by the Polish National Aeroclub and the local Aeroclub Tatrzanski. For a new World championships class the flying standard was quite high.


Without principal problems. Some of the long fly—off flights caused problems from the timekeepers in the wrong visibility in the evening. FAI Jury must very carefully observe the situation at the end of the competition.

Opening and Closing Ceremony

A full—size airshow and a nice cultural program was presented after the inauguration of the world Championships at the sporting airfield in Nowy Targ.

F.A.I medals and diplomas were presented at a very nice closing banquet in the camping.


A meeting of the some delegates and enthusiasts for free flight slope soaring models was held at the requtest of the president Jury FAI to discuss changes to the rules to be submitted for inclusions in the sporting code. Seven nations paticipated at the meeting.


First FAI World aeromodelling championships for free flight slope soaring gliders class F1E was very well organised. Our thanks go to Polish National Aeroclub for the exceptional job they put into preparing and running this event.