National Free Flight Society

Jury Report on 2011 Indoor Free Flight European Championship F1D for Seniors and Juniors

Jury Report on 2011 Indoor Free Flight European Championship F1D for Seniors and Juniors

FAI Jury

Emil Giezendanner



Wilhelm Kamp







August 9 to 14


Belgrade, Serbia


The organiser’s preliminary information about the event was communicated clearly and in accordance with regulations in three bulletins. A list of participants was submitted to the FAI jury prior to the competition. An additional list with team managers’ names would be helpful for the jury.


Accommodation and catering were simple, cheap and of good quality. Lunch and dinner were provided in the hall.

Flying site

The European Championships were held in an exhibition hall in Belgrade. This was a large, approx. 30 m high circular building with a domed roof.

Contest organisation

After the official training day, the team mangers’ meeting and the opening ceremony, two rounds were flown on each of three consecutive days. The time for each round was four hours. The first hours in the morning were not used much due to thermal conditions. Temperatures inside the hall were generally high.

Flying performances were excellent. More than 60 flights of over 30 minutes duration were recorded in the seniors’ competition. Even a world record with 38:01 min flown by Ivan Dreger, SVK was registered. The new technology with variable propeller pitch was thus introduced successfully. In the juniors’ competition there were numerous flights of around 25 minutes.

Results were continuously displayed on the information board. The competition manager kept a very close eye on events and was available for questions from the jury at all times.


The efforts of the timekeepers gave no cause for complaint.


The topic “steering of models” will need to be included in discussions about future rule adaptations.


No protests were submitted.


Planning and running of the entire event have to be classed as exemplary.