National Free Flight Society

FAI World Championship class F1E 2009

Held at Rhon, Germany from September 12 to 20

Flight times (sec) and percentage scores are given in each of the 5 rounds, followed by the total time and score for the rounds.

Individual results

round 1 round 2 round 3 round 4 round 5
300 300 300 300 300 TOTAL
time points time points time points time points time points time points
1 Ivan Treger SVK 300 100.00 300 100.00 300 100.00 300 100.00 300 100.00 1500 500.00
2 Jaromir Orel CZE 293 97.66 300 100.00 300 100.00 300 100.00 286 95.33 1479 492.99
3 Fritz Mang AUT 300 100.00 300 100.00 232 77.33 300 100.00 300 100.00 1432 477.33
4 Norbert Heiss AUT 300 100.00 300 100.00 212 70.66 300 100.00 300 100.00 1412 470.66
5 Franciszek Kanczok POL 217 72.33 300 100.00 291 97.00 300 100.00 300 100.00 1408 469.33
6 Edith Mang AUT 207 69.00 300 100.00 300 100.00 300 100.00 300 100.00 1407 469.00
7 Marian Popescu ROU 273 91.00 300 100.00 205 68.33 300 100.00 300 100.00 1378 459.33
8 Andreas Tschanz SUI 237 79.00 271 90.33 263 87.66 300 100.00 300 100.00 1371 456.99
9 Florian Draghici ROU 282 94.00 300 100.00 300 100.00 300 100.00 180 60.00 1362 454.00
10 Giuseppe Berto ITA 274 91.33 300 100.00 187 62.33 300 100.00 300 100.00 1361 453.66
11 Bosko Lacimic SRB 166 55.33 300 100.00 277 92.33 300 100.00 300 100.00 1343 447.66
12 Daniel Bildea ROU 300 100.00 300 100.00 155 51.66 300 100.00 230 76.66 1285 428.32
13 Horst Falch GER 98 32.66 267 89.00 300 100.00 300 100.00 300 100.00 1265 421.66
14 Heinz Bleuer SUI 300 100.00 246 82.00 300 100.00 212 70.66 205 68.33 1263 420.99
15 Ivan Crha CZE 280 93.33 300 100.00 239 79.66 211 70.33 228 76.00 1258 419.32
16 Pjotr Tendera POL 269 89.66 300 100.00 237 79.00 247 82.33 202 67.33 1255 418.32
17 Helmut Schuberth GER 300 100.00 300 100.00 45 15.00 284 94.66 300 100.00 1229 409.66
18 Stanislaw Kubit POL 300 100.00 300 100.00 190 63.33 300 100.00 134 44.66 1224 407.99
19 Jean-Marie Chabot FRA 244 81.33 156 52.00 241 80.33 300 100.00 279 93.00 1220 406.66
20 Jean-Luc Drapeau FRA 300 100.00 88 29.33 300 100.00 216 72.00 298 99.33 1202 400.66
21 Peter Kuttler GER 246 82.00 185 61.66 160 53.33 300 100.00 300 100.00 1191 396.99
22 Robert Sifleet USA 300 100.00 278 92.66 69 23.00 300 100.00 230 76.66 1177 392.32
23 Pierre Chaussebourg FRA 220 73.33 293 97.66 234 78.00 188 62.66 239 79.66 1174 391.31
24 Pavol Polonec SVK 300 100.00 300 100.00 211 70.33 48 16.00 300 100.00 1159 386.33
25 Jan Smeringai SVK 288 96.00 201 67.00 139 46.33 200 66.66 300 100.00 1128 375.99
26 Ian Kaynes GBR 218 72.66 141 47.00 213 71.00 223 74.33 300 100.00 1095 364.99
27 Alain Roux W/C 258 86.00 300 100.00 187 62.33 24 8.00 300 100.00 1069 356.33
28 Peter Brocks USA 190 63.33 190 63.33 46 15.33 290 96.66 271 90.33 987 328.98
29 Doug Bartle GBR 300 100.00 149 49.66 55 18.33 300 100.00 155 51.66 959 319.65
30 Vojtech Zima CZE 166 55.33 197 65.66 260 86.66 163 54.33 151 50.33 937 312.31
31 Michael Bleuer SUI 222 74.00 50 16.66 226 75.33 237 79.00 197 65.66 932 310.65
32 Amedeo Berto ITA 12 4.00 193 64.33 280 93.33 111 37.00 300 100.00 896 298.66
33 Ljubomir Radosavljevic SRB 110 36.66 139 46.33 174 58.00 168 56.00 263 87.66 854 284.65
34 Thomas Ioerger USA 300 100.00 148 49.33 20 6.66 212 70.66 120 40.00 800 266.65
35 Stevan Janovic SRB 283 94.33 300 100.00 6 2.00 114 38.00 61 20.33 764 254.66
36 Stephen Philpott GBR 80 26.66 209 69.66 146 48.66 195 65.00 121 40.33 751 250.31
37 Mauro Agosti ITA 251 83.66 38 12.66 240 80.00 23 7.66 183 61.00 735 244.98
38 Vladimir Pershin RUS 179 59.66 288 96.00 112 37.33 32 10.66 62 20.66 673 224.31
39 Maxim Druzhinin RUS 25 8.33 81 27.00 28 9.33 193 64.33 85 28.33 412 137.32
40 Aleksandr Kulman RUS 55 18.33 15 5.00 66 22.00 142 47.33 92 30.66 370 123.32
Number of maximum in each round 12 18 7 18 17
Number of full scores up to each round 12 7 1 1 1

Team results

No Country Abbreviation Total Round by round team places Team member places
1 Austria AUT 1416.99 3,2,1,1,1 3,4,6
2 Romania ROU 1341.65 2,1,2,2,2 7,9,12
3 Poland POL 1295.64 5,4,3,3,3 5,16,18
4 Slovakia SVK 1262.32 1,3,4,5,4 1,24,25
5 Germany GER 1228.31 9,7,8,7,5 13,17,21
6 Czech Republic CZE 1224.62 8,5,5,4,6 2,15,30
7 France FRA 1198.63 6,9,7,8,7 19,20,23
8 Switzerland SUI 1188.63 7,8,6,6,8 8,14,31
9 Italy ITA 997.30 12,12,9,12,9 10,32,37
10 USA USA 987.95 4,6,11,9,10 22,28,34
11 Serbia SRB 986.97 11,10,10,10,11 11,33,35
12 Great Britain GBR 934.95 10,11,12,11,12 26,29,36
13 Russia RUS 484.95 13,13,13,13,13 38,39,40