National Free Flight Society

FAI World Championship Indoor class F1D 2008

Held at Krbavsko Polje, Croatia from July 19 to 26
Flight times are given for each of the 6 rounds in ‘min.sec’ form. The total of the two best times is given in the right hand column

Individual results

Place Name Country Flight 1 Flight 2 Flight 3 Flight 4 Flight 5 Flight 6 Score
1 Ivan Treger SVK 34.31 36.23 35.00 32.09 34.16 35.25 71.48
2 Lutz Schramm GER 36.18 34.42 9.36 29.44 33.27 35.01 71.19
3 John Kagan USA 34.27 34.15 35.38 35.15 18.04 34.01 70.53
4 James Richmond USA 34.56 10.17 19.55 14.22 33.10 32.42 68.06
5 Doug Schaefer USA 1.13 32.19 31.44 34.24 32.32 33.30 67.54
6 Aurel Popa ROU 31.30 31.55 33.05 30.27 31.18 34.01 67.06
7 Lawrence Cailliau W/C 15.57 34.06 5.50 29.33 31.31 32.20 66.26
8 Derek Richards GBR 24.11 30.30 32.38 33.27 30.38 32.12 66.05
9 Dider Barberis FRA 32.30 22.27 33.16 29.11 29.16 28.03 65.46
10 Dezso Orsovai HUN 33.03 32.33 0.00 0.00 32.35 10.54 65.38
11 Mark Benns GBR 29.43 31.56 33.17 31.18 30.50 31.15 65.13
12 Andras Ree HUN 31.05 31.30 8.06 31.41 32.49 15.49 64.30
13 Corneliu Mangalea ROU 30.34 32.47 30.56 7.35 27.14 28.42 63.43
14 Robin Bailey GBR 13.27 30.57 31.06 32.28 27.50 6.11 63.34
15 Tomasz Momot POL 24.01 27.48 28.44 31.21 0.49 32.06 63.27
16 Uwe Bundesen GER 27.42 0.00 28.49 31.38 29.47 31.28 63.06
17 Slobodan Midic SRB 28.16 18.06 30.51 31.00 30.25 30.44 61.51
18 Edvard Ciapala POL 27.33 30.08 29.58 29.19 26.34 30.39 60.47
19 Zoltan Sukosd HUN 30.16 30.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.39
20 Robert Champion FRA 19.31 29.16 28.46 30.00 27.20 30.07 60.07
21 Mikita Kaplan CZE 14.25 25.44 0.00 27.38 28.22 31.25 59.47
22 Fabio Manieri ITA 30.06 26.05 22.22 28.24 28.32 28.31 58.38
23 Slobodan Milic SRB 29.12 11.24 25.01 23.59 29.14 4.32 58.26
24 Karol Vins, Ing. SVK 14.54 28.50 29.31 15.07 27.13 18.48 58.21
25 Rainer Lotz SUI 24.14 27.27 26.01 27.25 28.07 26.58 55.34
26 Hideyo Enomoto JPN 26.26 25.47 27.10 28.00 25.38 9.15 55.10
27 Thierry Marilier FRA 25.22 17.08 19.23 26.02 27.12 27.56 55.08
28 Dan Amoraritei ROU 24.56 27.43 27.06 24.57 10.43 25.00 54.49
29 Klara Kaplanova CZE 12.34 26.23 27.50 26.36 25.21 1.01 54.26
30 Jerzy Markiewicz POL 25.29 23.30 27.23 0.00 26.04 18.57 53.27
31 Ljubomir Radosavljevic SRB 22.55 25.04 26.50 22.23 9.40 26.30 53.20
32 Benito Bertolani ITA 6.28 18.56 18.05 3.32 26.30 26.13 52.43
33 Zdenek Cinert CZE 24.14 27.28 24.34 25.01 20.13 21.30 52.29
34 Rimas Steponenas LTU 10.22 25.01 10.54 25.53 0.00 0.00 50.54
35 Mario Gialanella ITA 3.41 22.18 16.12 15.22 26.35 17.50 48.53
36 Yoshiharu Nakajo JPN 23.11 19.14 23.07 24.28 23.15 19.51 47.43
37 Ernestas Dambrauskas LTU 20.29 8.09 18.56 24.10 0.00 19.54 44.39
38 Okitusugu Sasaki JPN 21.47 21.34 22.11 21.07 8.06 22.01 44.12
No. of best flts in round 4 6 8 9 5 6
No. of second best flts in round 4 6 7 6 7 8
No. of scoring flights in round 8 12 15 15 12 14
No. of flights over 25 min 19 26 22 24 28 23 142
No. of flights over 30 min 11 14 10 12 11 15 73
No. of flights over 35 min 1 1 2 1 0 2 7

Team results

No. Country Abbreviation Total Round-by-round places
1 USA USA 206.53 7,5,2,2,1,1
2 Great Britain GBR 194.52 8,3,1,1,2,2
3 Hungary HUN 190.47 1,1,3,3,3,3
4 Romania ROU 185.38 2,2,4,4,4,4
5 France FRA 181.01 4,6,6,5,5,5
6 Poland POL 177.41 5,4,5,6,6,6
7 Serbia SRB 173.37 3,8,7,7,7,7
8 Czech Republic CZE 166.42 10,9,8,8,8,8
9 Italy ITA 160.14 12,11,10,10,9,9
10 Japan JPN 147.05 6,7,9,9,10,10
11 Germany GER 134.25 9,12,12,11,11,11
12 Slovakia SVK 130.09 11,10,11,12,12,12
13 Lithuania LTU 95.33 13,13,13,13,13,13
14 Switzerland SUI 55.34 14,14,14,14,14,14