National Free Flight Society

Jury Report on Free Flight World Championships 2007 F1A F1B F1C

Jury Report on Free Flight World Championships 2007 F1A F1B F1C

FAI Jury

Sandy Pimenoff



Ivan Horejsi



Victor Onufrienko




June 24 – 30 2007


Odesa, Ukraine


This was well executed, three bulletins and further info supplied to participants requesting such.


Most participants were accommodated in the “Chabanka” holiday centre, which was of high class. Some participants preferred the nearby low-cost camping facilities.

Meals were served in the “Chabanka” restaurant. All food was good and ample.

Flying site

Large mainly agricultural fields within 3km of the main accommodation centre. The fields were large and situated in different directions, which was a definite advantage in the conditions of strong winds from varying directions.

The fields partially still carried crops which caused some problems.


Weather was unstable: good conditions varied with occasional strong winds and rain.

Contest organisation and flying schedule

Field organisation was well executed, with sufficient number of officials and timekeepers.

Problems arose from the occasionally strong winds, including a violent thunderstorm with strong rain in the afternoon of the 28th This made postponing of parts of the competition and flyoffs necessary.

Fortunately the programme included two reserve days. Only this made it possible to complete all contest flights and flyoffs in good conditions.

Crowd control concerning the “no extra people closer than 25m from the starting line did create some difficulties. The Bureau will at the Dec. 2007 meeting discuss this item in order to better define this ruling, and restrictions for “pits” close to the starting line.

Also, the Bureau will review the rules concerning the timing and maximums of flyoffs.

Award ceremony and banquet

This was organised in a night club, with impressive award ceremonies and high-class entertainment. A memorable evening.


There were no official protests.

Unsporting behaviour

n spite of strict rules that driving into standing crops with motor vehicles was not allowed one team arrogantly broke this rule several times.

This caused a serious problem with local farmers.

The Jury recommends that CIAM should send a strong complaint to the NAC of the offending team.


It is the opinion of the Jury that this was a very well organised W.Ch. The Modelling Federation of Ukraine is to be thanked for excellent work.