National Free Flight Society

FAI European Championship class F1E 2008

Held at Rhon, Germany from September 15 to 20
Flight times (sec) and percentage scores are given in each of the 5 rounds, followed by the total time and score for the rounds.

Individual results

No. Name Abbreviation round 1 round 2 round 3 round 4 round 5
240 240 240 240 240 TOTAL
time points time points time points time points time points time points
1 Ivan Treger SVK 240 100.00 240 100.00 240 100.00 240 100.00 240 100.00 1200 500.00
2 Alain Roux FRA 240 100.00 240 100.00 240 100.00 240 100.00 200 83.33 1160 483.33
3 Herbert Schmidt GER 217 90.41 217 90.41 236 98.33 240 100.00 197 82.08 1107 461.23
4 Rene Pfister SUI 216 90.00 240 100.00 240 100.00 160 66.66 240 100.00 1096 456.66
5 Pierre Chaussebourg FRA 198 82.50 240 100.00 240 100.00 212 88.33 205 85.41 1095 456.24
6 Edith Mang AUT 240 100.00 156 65.00 221 92.08 240 100.00 207 86.25 1064 443.33
6 Adrian Draghici ROU 172 71.66 240 100.00 240 100.00 197 82.08 215 89.58 1064 443.33
8 Florian Draghici ROU 195 81.25 158 65.83 238 99.16 240 100.00 225 93.75 1056 439.99
9 Claudio Bognolo ITA 240 100.00 203 84.58 240 100.00 183 76.25 181 75.41 1047 436.24
10 Helmut Schubert GER 240 100.00 211 87.91 240 100.00 179 74.58 176 73.33 1046 435.82
11 Reinhard Mang AUT 240 100.00 175 72.91 240 100.00 172 71.66 181 75.41 1008 419.98
12 Bosko Lacimic SRB 240 100.00 240 100.00 240 100.00 57 23.75 218 90.83 995 414.58
13 Stanislaw Kubit POL 167 69.58 220 91.66 240 100.00 114 47.50 240 100.00 981 408.74
13 Daniel Bildea ROU 240 100.00 240 100.00 68 28.33 193 80.41 240 100.00 981 408.74
15 Ivan Crha CZE 167 69.58 160 66.66 240 100.00 240 100.00 172 71.66 979 407.90
16 Marian Popescu E/C 240 100.00 207 86.25 198 82.50 86 35.83 240 100.00 971 404.58
17 Pavol Polonec SVK 240 100.00 224 93.33 97 40.41 173 72.08 225 93.75 959 399.57
18 Vojtech Zima CZE 191 79.58 124 51.66 240 100.00 186 77.50 205 85.41 946 394.15
19 Jaromir Orel CZE 240 100.00 22 9.16 240 100.00 203 84.58 240 100.00 945 393.74
20 Fritz Mang AUT 240 100.00 35 14.58 240 100.00 240 100.00 171 71.25 926 385.83
21 Edi Mauri ITA 195 81.25 240 100.00 169 70.41 180 75.00 137 57.08 921 383.74
22 Amedeo Berto ITA 240 100.00 240 100.00 81 33.75 157 65.41 185 77.08 903 376.24
23 Jean-Luc Drapeau FRA 232 96.66 209 87.08 240 100.00 60 25.00 125 52.08 866 360.82
23 Balazs Sarusi Kiss HUN 204 85.00 58 24.16 185 77.08 179 74.58 240 100.00 866 360.82
25 Jozef Morgala POL 197 82.08 29 12.08 240 100.00 213 88.75 169 70.41 848 353.32
26 Franciszek Kanczok POL 240 100.00 231 96.25 64 26.66 155 64.58 133 55.41 823 342.90
27 Milan Mravec SVK 240 100.00 78 32.50 61 25.41 155 64.58 202 84.16 736 306.65
28 Kurt Bleuer SUI 110 45.83 143 59.58 240 100.00 26 10.83 195 81.25 714 297.49
29 Ian Kaynes GBR 240 100.00 147 61.25 61 25.41 200 83.33 43 17.91 691 287.90
30 Heinz Bleuer SUI 186 77.50 35 14.58 180 75.00 105 43.75 158 65.83 664 276.66
31 Stevan Janovic SRB 240 100.00 114 47.50 14 5.83 92 38.33 131 54.58 591 246.24
32 Steve Philpott GBR 123 51.25 42 17.50 29 12.08 240 100.00 150 62.50 584 243.33
33 Friedhelm Mehr GER 208 86.66 45 18.75 65 27.08 52 21.66 177 73.75 547 227.90
34 Doug Bartle GBR 116 48.33 237 98.75 36 15.00 7 2.91 25 10.41 421 175.40
Number of maximum in each round 17 9 17 8 7
Number of full scores up to each round 17 5 3 2 1

Team results

No. Country Abbreviation Total Round by round team places Team member places
1 France FRA 1300.39 4,1,1,1,1 2,5,23
2 Romania ROU 1292.05 6,4,3,3,2 6,8,13
3 Austria AUT 1249.14 1,6,4,2,3 6,11,20
4 Slovakia SVK 1206.22 1,3,6,6,4 1,17,27
5 Italy ITA 1196.22 3,2,2,4,5 9,21,22
6 Czech Republic CZE 1195.79 8,10,8,5,6 15,18,19
7 Germany GER 1124.95 5,5,5,7,7 3,10,33
8 Poland POL 1104.96 7,7,7,8,8 13,25,26
9 Switzerland SUI 1030.81 9,8,9,9,9 4,28,30
10 Great Britain GBR 706.63 11,9,11,10,10 29,32,34
11 Serbia SRB 660.82 10,11,10,11,11 12,31
12 Hungary HUN 360.82 12,12,12,12,12 23