National Free Flight Society

Jury Report on 1992 Indoor Free Flight World Championship F1D

FAI Jury

Werner Groth


Ian Kaynes


Otakar Saffek




6th to 12th July 1992


Wroclawl, Poland


The pre-contest information was sent out in due time and were comprehensive. They did not leave anything to be desired.


All contestants and officials were accommodated at the same place, a training-centre for electronic-specialists, was within walking distance from the contest site. Tt was clean and had showers/baths and toilets in all rooms. The meals were served in a dining room, large enough for all. The meals were plentiful and of good quality and they were served on time. Snacks and drinks were for sale throughout the day in the hall.

Opening ceremony

The opening ceremony started with the marching-in of all teams. The national flags and the FAI-flag were raised and the ceremony took profit from the music played by a military band.

Short speeches of welcome were delivered by the President of the Polish Aeroclub and FAT Vicepresident, Mr. Henryk Sienkiewicz, the of the FAT-Jury and the Mayor of Wroclaw.

Flying site

The contest site, the Hala Ludowa (Sports-Hall) was appropriate but not easy to fly. Tn fact, it proved to be very selective. The useable height of the hall is 48 meters at a diameter of 10 meters. Below 42 meters the diameter increases gradually to approximately 80 meters. The place was well prepared by the organizer. Toilet facilities were available and clean.


36 participants from 13 countries participated in the World Championships for Seniors, seven participants from three countries in that for Juniors. The Jury.decided that, despite the rather small number of countries, the events was to be a World Championship for Juniors. Any other decision was considered to be detrimental to the future of junior indoor contest flying on an international level. Tt is expected that a World Championship will have an encouraging effect on young aeromodellers.

Contest organisation

The Contest Director was very competent, thus running a very smooth contest without any protests. Needless to say that he was assisted in this by the fine cooperation of the members of his organization. The contestants showed excellent performances in a hall not easy to fly and they behaved at all times in an excellent sportive manner.

Closing Ceremony and Banquet

The prizegiving ceremony was held in the hall, the flags of the countries of the winners were raised and their anthems played. At a farewell dinner, all participants and organizers assembled for a fine evening during which further prizes and souvenirs were awarded.


The FAI World Championships F1D 1992 in Poland were a success and the Organizing FAI-member, the Aeroclub of Poland has to be commended.