National Free Flight Society

Jury Report on 2005 Junior Free Flight European Championships F1A F1B F1P

Jury Report on 2005 Junior Free Flight European Championships F1A F1B F1P

FAI Jury





Marius CONU



July 24 to 30 2005




F1A: 16 countries 45 competitors
F1B: 10 countries 27 competitors
F1P: 4 countries 12 competitors


Teams were accommodated in Hotel Suceava. Some teams preferred to find their own accommodation and did not participate to the closing banquet (Russia and Ukraine). Hot lunches were served by the hotel staff, in the Aero-club hangar. Food was excellent.


The weather was good with light wind. On the F1B day, we had to reposition the starting line after the first round, but this was done quite quickly.

Contest Organisation

Contest was organised on the local airport of Suceava. There was two regular flights per day, but as they were very early in the morning, and after the sun set, they were not a problem. Only two times, we had to interrupt the contest for exceptional flights. This did not make any problem.

Opening and Closing Ceremony

Opening ceremony took place at the airfield, in front of the aero-club hangar. It was very simple, and also very short.

Closing ceremony took place in the restaurant room of hotel Suceava, just before the banquet. The organiser provided medals and trophies for winners (individual, and team members including team managers). FAI diplomas were also awarded to all the winners. This was organised in a very warm atmosphere and was very successful.

The banquet followed the prize giving. The food was excellent. There was a band and all participants had fun, dancing together, juniors, seniors, officials, parents and supporters. This has been a great moment, which will make excellent memories for all participants. It is a pity that two countries did not want to participate.


There was no protest


A tour has been organised for the participants and officials, giving the opportunity to visit the magnificent monasteries in the province of Bucovina.


This Championship was very successful.

The contest Director, Professor George ARGHIR must be congratulated for an excellent contest organisation. Mihail ZANCIU and his staff must be commended for an excellent Championship.