National Free Flight Society

FAI Junior European Championship Indoor class F1D 2005

Held at Bordeaux-Lac, France from October 3 to 8

Flight times are given for each of the 6 rounds in ‘min.sec’ form. Note that * indicates the best time recorded, + marks the second best time, together these add to give the contest time given in the right hand column

Individual results

Rank Name Country Total Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6
1 Gabriela Kaplanova CZE 49.17 21.27 24.25+ 24.52* 2.06 0.00 10.37
2 Thomasz Demidowicz POL 46.34 10.38 23.17* 17.55 23.17+ 10.50 9.00
3 Clara Kaplanova CZE 45.49 20.57 23.46* 13.26 21.51 22.02 22.03+
4 Aurel Sampetrean ROM 45.11 3.33 22.34+ 22.37* 8.40 19.28 12.32
5 Jan Klick CZE 42.51 17.23 21.36* 17.11 21.15+ 21.01 19.31
6 Pawel Domaszewski POL 41.54 19.35 20.59* 15.15 20.55+ 14.10 16.00
7 Dan Viorel Pop ROM 37.50 2.24 1.40 9.10 8.01 17.58+ 19.52*
8 Zoltan Somodi ROM 35.46 14.36 2.10 7.00 5.35 17.32+ 18.14*
9 Krysztof Muras POL 31.39 15.41+ 4.50 5.32 6.40 15.58* 15.00
No. of best flts in round 0 4 2 0 1 2
No. of 2nd flts in round 1 2 0 3 2 1
No. of scoring flts in round 1 6 2 3 3 3
No. of flights over 10 min 7 6 6 4 8 8 39
No. of flights over 15 min 5 6 5 4 6 8 32
No. of flights over 20 min 2 6 2 4 2 1 17

Team results

NoCountryAbbreviationTotalRound-by-round places
1Czech RepublicCZE137.571,1,1,1,1,1