National Free Flight Society

FAI Junior World Championship Indoor class F1D 2000

Held at Slanic Prahova, Romania from October 2 to 7

Flight times are given for each of the 6 rounds in ‘min.sec’ form. Note that * indicates the best time recorded, + marks the second best time, together these add to give the contest time given in the right hand column

Individual results

Rank Name Country Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Total
1 Kovalyev Oleksandr UKR 29.24 1.17 22.38 18.58 37.10+ 38.00* 75.10
2 Dorobantu Catalin ROM 34.30 34.58 36.10* 36.04+ 20.46 20.24 72.14
3 Somesan Horatiu ROM 35.32* 30.48 34.12+ 19.04 32.24 18.15 69.44
4 Vaida Aurelian ROM 33.46+ 21.37 25.25 34.13* 0.00 26.48 67.59
5 Sukosd Tamas HUN 31.56 23.32 33.11* 32.00+ 19.58 11.42 65.11
6 Leonard-Jr Nick USA 1.04 35.20* 0.00 0.00 24.49 29.32+ 64.52
7 Daniylov Oleksandr UKR 26.10 27.37 32.27* 31.55+ 24.57 0.00 64.22
8 Filek Jakub POL 12.22 33.04* 31.12+ 30.11 26.32 1.27 64.16
9 Rogowski Mariusz POL 29.28 30.24+ 0.00 22.18 31.22* 27.40 61.46
10 Mikhailov Sergei UKR 22.21 31.30* 17.21 28.08+ 14.24 0.00 59.38
11 Valikonis Ignas LTU 21.12 24.43 26.10 27.23* 26.26+ 26.05 53.49
12 Pukowiec Michal POL 22.00 18.30 25.16* 24.42+ 16.57 11.29 49.58
13 Tyla Gytis LTU 13.58 22.30+ 20.45 22.28 25.36* 18.20 48.06
14 Mulevicius Audrius LTU 15.34 20.02 18.56 20.14+ 20.55* 17.05 41.09
No. of best flts in round 1 3 4 2 3 1
No. of 2nd flts in round 1 2 2 6 2 1
No. of scoring flts in round 2 5 6 8 5 2
No. of flights over 25 min 7 7 8 7 6 5 40
No. of flights over 30 min 4 6 5 5 3 1 24
No. of flights over 35 min 1 1 1 1 1 1 6

Team Results

Rank Country Abbreviation Total Round-by-round places
1 Romania ROM 209.57 1,1,1,1,1,1
2 Ukraine UKR 199.10 2,3,3,2,2,2
3 Poland POL 176.00 3,2,2,3,3,3
4 Lithuania LTU 143.04 4,4,4,4,4,4
5 Hungary HUN 65.11 5,5,5,5,5,5
6 USA USA 64.52 6,6,6,6,6,6