National Free Flight Society

FAI Junior World Championship 1999 in class F1E

Held at Liptovsky Mikulas, Slovakia from September 21 to 26
Flight times are given in each of the 5 rounds (seconds) followed by the total time in seconds and then the total point score.

Individual results

Rank Name Country Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4 Score 5 Total Average
1 Alexandru Popa ROM 240 300 300 300 275 1415 491.67
2 Adrian Draghici ROM 240 300 300 300 267 1407 489.00
3 Pavol Nosko SVK 240 253 300 300 300 1393 484.33
4 Vaclav Musil CZE 240 300 300 243 300 1383 481.00
5 Jens Hildmann GER 240 300 286 300 243 1369 476.33
6 Dejan Kostic GER 240 300 300 220 300 1360 473.33
7 Claudiu Alexoala ROM 240 300 257 300 243 1340 466.67
8 Martin Doupovec CZE 240 219 265 300 300 1324 461.33
9 Roger Stierlin SUI 240 281 202 300 300 1323 461.00
10 Krysztof Szulik POL 240 277 280 269 247 1313 457.66
11 Miroslav Polonec SVK 240 300 224 241 300 1305 455.00
12 Peter Nosko SVK 240 300 153 300 300 1293 451.00
13 Lukasz Morgala POL 240 199 272 300 251 1262 440.67
14 Petr Hofman CZE 240 207 174 290 172 1083 381.00
15 Robert Rimoczi HUN 125 279 180 215 300 1099 376.75
16 Katharina Gronemann GER 72 213 213 300 242 1040 352.67
17 Wojciech Teper POL 240 205 171 22 183 821 293.66
18 Alberti Mihaly HUN 208 145 300 37 114 804 285.33
19 Andras Varga HUN 53 179 4 249 147 632 215.08
Number of maximums: 15, 8, 6, 10, 8
Number of full scores: 15, 8, 4, 2, 0

Team results

Rank Country Abbreviation Total Team member places
1 Romania ROM 1447.34 1, 2, 7
2 Slovakia SVK 1390.33 3, 11, 12
3 Czech Republic CZE 1323.33 4, 8, 14
4 Germany GER 1302.33 5, 6, 16
5 Poland POL 1191.99 10, 13, 17
6 Hungary HUN 877.16 15, 18, 19
7 Switzerland SUI 461.00 9