National Free Flight Society

Jury Report on 1998 Indoor Free Flight World Championship F1D for Seniors and Juniors

Jury Report on 1998 Indoor Free Flight World Championship F1D for Seniors and Juniors

FAI Jury

Sandy Pimenoff Finland President
Pierre Chaussebourg France Member
Marius Conu Romania Member


11th to 16th of October


 Slanic Prahova


All participants were comfortably accommodated in the “Slanic” hotel.

Breakfast and dinner was served in the hotel, a sit-down lunch was offered at the contest site in the mine. All food was good and ample.

Flying site

Contest site was the underground salt mine in Slanic, venue of several previous Indoor Championships.


The Championships was well supported, with 27 senior competitors from 12 countries and 10 junior competitors from 6 countries.


Conditions at the contest site were good, with little drift evident Competitors demonstrated a very high standard of flying. The 45 in barrier was broken for the first time at this site by the two best senior competitors. Especially encouraging was the excellent performance of the junior winner, a 14 years young lady from the Ukraine, who on her last flight topped 38mins.

Contest organisation

The organisers carried out the event with obvious experience and routine. Participating teams were provided with tables and chairs for model preparation in a fenced-off “Preparation area”, and each team had a pair of timekeepers, which were rotated during the contest.

Model checking was carried out before each flight. Organisation as a whole was very good, only a few minor complaints were heard.


There were no official protest The FAI Jury, however, had to deal with a serious infringement of the rules. The Yugoslav junior competitor Ivan Kolic was found to have used a model in the competition that he had purchased from another person. contrary to the requirements of the Sporting Code. Because of this the Jury disqualified Ivan Kolic from the entire Championships.

Closing Ceremony and Banquet

The prizegiving dinner took place in the dining hall of the hotel, Both Senior and Junior winners were celebrated with national anthems and the appropriate national flags. Prizegiving was followed by a good banquet, enjoyed by all in a friendly and pleasant atmosphere.


It is the unanimous opinion of the International FAI Jury, that this World Championships was a well prepared and successfully executed event.

The organisers, the Romanian Modelling Federation. are to be congratulated for a job well done.