National Free Flight Society

Jury Report on Free Flight Junior World Championships 1996 F1A F1B F1C

Jury Report on Free Flight Junior World Championships 1996 F1A F1B F1C

FAI Jury

Pierre Chaussebourg



Martin Dilly



Eugeny Verbitsky




August 17th to 23rd, 1996


Krakow, Poland


84 competitors from 17 nations.


Teams were accommodated in the Sport University Hotel for students Breakfast and evening meals could be taken in the student restaurant, and lunch was served in the hangar of the Aero—club at the flying site Food was good and sufficient. Coffee and soft drinks were available at any time on the flying site

Flying site

The Flying site is the local Aero—Club of KRAKOW airfield, 14 km from KRAKOW : 2 x 2Km area of green thick grass surrounded with farmers fields


The weather has been nice for the three days of competition, not windy for most of the rounds. Even for fly—off long flights, retrieving has not been a serious problem.


Starting at 09.00 a.m. Polish time being the same as European time , the 1st round did not show much thermal activity and we had to wait for the afternoon to see some strong thermals.

In F1A 4 competitors reached the fly—off, and one round was enough to obtain the final classification.

In F1B competitors reached the fly—off. All of them flew the 5 min maximum in the 1st round. Nobody made the 7 minutes in the 2nd fly-off round ,but two competitors tied for 2nd place with 293 seconds The following fly—off for these two gave 297 and 289.

In this class , the previous champion was young enough to be able to defend his title and win the event for the second time

In F1C we had a very low participation with 12 competitors. Next 1998 junior World Champ will be flown in F1J as a power class.

Tour and Banquet

The visit to the Royal Wieliczka salt mine as well as the Air Museum in KRAKOW were well appreciated. The banquet, in a very nice castle from where it was possible to see the all city of KRAKOW was held in a very good atmosphere.


There was no protest during this championship , even if it has been sometimes difficult to explain how to apply the new rule for juniors with no adult on the starting line ‘except officials and teas managers On this matter, the jury decided not to go in details of what was permitted and what was forbidden, but gave the full responsibility to the team managers to apply this rule and respect the spirit of the rule. It seems that everybody understood, particularly the juniors themselves who looked happy to manage each other on the field, at least for FlA and FlB.


As usual, the Junior Free Flight Championship has been a great success. The Aero—Club of KRAKOW and the Aero—Club of POLAND must be commended for a very successful Championship.