National Free Flight Society

Index to 2003 FAI Free Flight Championships results

Top three results in each event are given on this page, select the required event name to access full results.

Held at Kunszentmiklos, Hungary from July 27 to August 2
No. Name Country Score round 1 round 2 round 3
1 Robert Hellgren SWE 1260 +60e +300 +280
2 Sergey Pankov RUS 1260 +60e +300 +266
3 Per Findahl W/C 1260 +60e +300 +222
Champion Team: Ukraine
Held at Kunszentmiklos, Hungary from July 27 to August 2
No. Name Country Score round 1 round 2 round 3 round 4
1 Stepan Stefanchuk UKR 1260 +120e +300 +420 +333
2 Yang Feng CHN 1260 +120e +300 +420 +270
3 Mitsuyasu Nakata JPN 1260 +120e +300 +420 +259
Champion Team: Ukraine
Held at Kunszentmiklos, Hungary from July 27 to August 2
No. Name Country Score round 1 round 2 round 3 round 4 round 5
1 Leonid Fuzeyev RUS 1260 +240e +420 +540 +540 +538
2 Gerhard Aringer AUT 1260 +240e +420 +540 +540 +0
3 Jing Yunfeng CHN 1260 +240e +420 +540 +458
Champion Team: USA
Held at Kunszentmiklos, Hungary from July 27 to August 2
No. Country Score
1 Russia 11251
2 Ukraine 11156
3 Italy 11128
Held at Cluj Napoca, Romania from September 8 to 13
No. Name Country Score round 1 round 2
1 Robert Sifleet USA 1500 +500.00 +308
2 Jaromir Orel CZE 1500 +500.00 +167
3 Andreas Tschanz W/C 1500 +500.00 +142
Champion Team: Romania
Held at Cluj Napoca, Romania from September 8 to 13
No. Name Country round 1 round 2 round 3 round 4 round 5 round 6 round 7
1 Bjoern Hoefs GER 300 300 292 290 300 1482 494.00
2 Martin Horn CZE 300 300 207 300 300 1407 469.00
3 Jozef Filip CZE 278 300 227 300 300 1405 468.34
Champion Team: Germany
Held at Deblin, Poland from August 19 to 25
No. Name Country round 1 round 2 round 3 round 4
1 Bostjan Bagari SLO 1260 +60e +300 +323
2 Michal Simunek CZE 1260 +60e +300 +255
3 Andrej Cigut SLO 1260 +60e +300 +253
Champion Team: Hungary
Held at Deblin, Poland from August 19 to 25
No. Name Country score round 1 round 2
1 Alexey Burdov RUS 1260 +120e +300
2 Shauli Rejwan ISR 1260 +120e +259
3 Yevheniy Horban UKR 1260 +120e +192
Champion Team: Ukraine
Held at Deblin, Poland from August 19 to 25
No. Name Country round 1 round 2 round 3 round 4 round 5 round 6 round 7 total
1 Tomasz Wludarczyk POL 180 180 180 180 120 120 120 1080
2 Adam Strycharski POL 170 180 180 180 120 120 120 1070
3 Mykhaylo Makhnytkyy UKR 180 169 180 180 112 120 117 1058
Champion Team: Russia
Held at London, England from October 2 to 6
No. Name Country round 1 round 2 round 3 round 4 round 5 round 6 round 7
1 Lutz Schramm GER 32.14 33.54* 29.37 0.00 30.22 33.13+ 67.07
2 Jonas Romblad SWE 30.04+ 11.57 28.57 29.37 31.35* 18.16 61.39
3 Fabio Manieri ITA 24.40 30.02+ 31.35* 14.04 10.23 27.05 61.37
Champion Team: Ukraine
Held at Rana near Louny, Czech Republic, from September 8 to 13
No. Name Country round 1 round 2 round 3
1 Daniel Petcu ROM 1500 +500.00 +331
2 Kurt Bleuer SUI 1500 +500.00 +306
3 Pierre Chaussebourg FRA 1500 +500.00 +297
Champion Team: Czech Republic
Held at London, England from October 2 to 6
No. Name Country round 1 round 2 round 3 round 4 round 5 round 6 round 7
1 Philip Lotz GER 8.39 26.47* 19.30 24.20 22.20 24.53+ 51.40
2 Mariusz Rogowski POL 22.57 24.54+ 23.40 26.12* 0.00 24.27 51.06
3 Krystian Jarczyk POL 19.48 20.33+ 19.59 23.00* 19.06 19.54 43.33
Champion Team: Poland