National Free Flight Society

FAI European Championship Indoor class F1D 2005

Held at Liptovsky Mikulas, Slovakia, from September 13 to 18

Flight times are given for each of the 6 rounds in ‘min.sec’ form. Note that * indicates the best time recorded, + marks the second best time, together these add to give the contest time given in the right hand column

Individual results

Rank Name Country Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4 Score 5 Score 6 Total
1 Dezso Orsovai HUN 30.10 33.48 29.16 35.55* 33.22 0.00 69.43
2 Jonas Romblad SWE 28.06 32.10 31.08 32.31+ 31.08 33.34* 66.05
3 Ivan Treger SVK 25.30 31.23+ 29.22 34.40* 29.28 21.14 66.03
4 Bob Bailey GBR 30.57 32.03 28.59 32.34* 29.45 32.15+ 64.49
5 Lutz Schramm GER 31.21+ 29.43 15.32 33.20* 25.35 30.36 64.41
6 Corneliu Mangalea ROM 0.49 32.10+ 11.05 30.05 32.25* 32.02 64.35
7 Aurel Popa ROM 31.46* 31.35+ 0.00 28.11 27.14 13.53 63.21
8 Derek Richards GBR 28.06 31.33* 28.47 31.05 29.03 31.30+ 63.03
9 Mikita Kaplan CZE 29.19+ 31.20* 26.54 28.33 26.26 27.41 60.39
10 Andras Ree HUN 26.08 30.21* 29.06 29.47+ 10.21 26.04 60.08
11 Fabio Manieri ITA 14.31 29.16* 26.12 8.01 4.01 28.46+ 58.02
12 Nick Aikman GBR 25.49 25.22 26.17 28.50+ 27.58 28.52* 57.42
13 Didier Barberis FRA 28.29* 28.16+ 25.13 25.38 9.29 26.20 56.45
14 Jerzy Markiewicz POL 25.40+ 30.37* 19.04 21.53 23.33 24.32 56.17
15 Tomasz Momot POL 19.52 25.33 18.15 22.26 28.32* 27.18+ 55.50
16 Dan Amoraritei ROM 25.48 27.30+ 25.34 26.35 27.36* 27.01 55.06
17 Manuel Angel Diaz ESP 24.15 26.22 26.27+ 28.15* 23.22 4.56 54.42
18 Peter Kuttler GER 16.10 26.51+ 26.06 20.15 23.11 27.09* 54.00
19 Edward Ciapala POL 22.05 26.24+ 22.54 21.22 2.48 27.35* 53.59
20 Josef Kubes CZE 21.34 21.55 13.20 27.13* 7.36 25.59+ 53.12
21 Daniel Medina ESP 26.16 26.40* 20.27 26.28+ 24.04 24.55 53.08
22 Zoltan Sukosd HUN 22.15 25.18+ 15.02 27.02* 25.16 11.07 52.20
23 Robert Champion FRA 15.16 22.18 21.36 25.23+ 1.45 25.27* 50.50
24 Jean Francis Frugoli FRA 20.46 24.07+ 17.52 16.50 12.30 26.03* 50.10
25 Uwe Bundesen GER 20.56 7.47 26.08* 22.18 23.23+ 8.50 49.31
26 Giacomo De Angelini ITA 1.11 24.20* 20.18 22.19 21.52 23.56+ 48.16
27 Leif Englund FIN 13.29 16.03 19.50 21.46+ 24.53* 3.28 46.39
28 Franco Pianigiani ITA 0.12 0.13 16.32 19.07 21.28+ 23.21* 44.49
29 Zdenek Cinert CZE 15.40 3.11 17.30 21.04* 20.04+ 18.02 41.08
30 Jaume Gispert ESP 11.32 16.27* 10.37 15.32+ 14.19 15.02 31.59
No. of best flts in round 2 8 1 8 4 7
No. of 2nd flts in round 3 10 1 7 3 6
No. of scoring flts in round 5 18 2 15 7 13
No. of flights over 25 min 14 21 14 18 13 17 97
No. of flights over 30 min 4 10 1 7 3 5 30
No. of flights over 35 min 0 0 0 1 0 0 1

Team results

No Country Abbreviation Total Round-by-round places
1 Great Britain GBR 185.34 1,1,1,1,1,1
2 Romania ROM 183.02 8,4,4,3,2,2
3 Hungary HUN 182.11 2,2,2,2,3,3
4 Germany GER 168.12 3,6,3,4,4,4
5 Poland POL 166.06 4,3,5,5,5,5
6 France FRA 157.45 6,5,6,6,7,6
7 Czech Republic CZE 154.59 5,8,7,7,6,7
8 Italy ITA 151.07 11,9,9,9,8,8
9 Spain ESP 139.49 7,7,8,8,9,9
10 Sweden SWE 66.05 9,10,10,11,11,10
11 Slovakia SVK 66.03 10,11,11,10,10,11
12 Finland FIN 46.39 12,12,12,12,12,12