National Free Flight Society

FAI World Championship 2005 in class F1B

Held at Embalse, Argentina, from May 21 to 28

 Flight times are given in each of the 7 rounds in seconds, including the full duration on extended max rounds. The next column shows the basic total time, followed by the extra time from extended maxes. Competitors in the flyoff are shown with basic total time followed by extra extended time then flyoff scores.

Individual results

Rank Name Country Score
1 Oleg Kulakovsky UKR 1260 + 120e + 376
2 Volodymyr Vivchar UKR 1260 + 120e + 363
3 Alex Andriukov USA 1260 + 120e + 360
4 Vladimir Komarov RUS 1260 + 120e + 350
5 Ray Jones GBR 1260 + 120e + 346
6 Bob Tymchek USA 1260 + 120e + 328
7 Roger Morrell USA 1260 + 120e + 326
8 Richard Blackam AUS 1260 + 120e + 325
9 Thomas Wiesiolek GER 1260 + 120e + 310
10 Tomaz Hribar SLO 1260 + 120e + 288
11 Feng Yang CHN 1260 + 120e + 286
12 Klaus Salzer AUT 1260 + 114e
13 Henk van Hoorn NED 1260 + 110e
14 Abraham Baruch ISR 1260 + 87e
15 Horst Wagner AUT 1260 + 81e
16 Remo Bovio ARG 1260 + 57e
17 Koei Tsuda JPN 1260 + 52e
18 Michael Dahlin SWE 300,180,180,178,180,180,180,1258 + 120e
19 Alan Mcdonald NZL 236,180,180,180,178,180,180,1258 + 56e
20 Anatoly Rybchenkov RUS 300,180,180,180,180,177,180,1257
21 Wei Yuan CHN 300,180,165,180,180,180,180,1245
22 Stepan Stefanchuk W/C 300,180,180,155,180,180,180,1235 + 120e
22 Vladislav Urban CZE 300,180,180,171,164,180,180,1235 + 120e
24 Minoru Nishizawa JPN 300,146,180,180,180,180,180,1226 + 120e
25 Igor Vivchar UKR 168,180,180,158,180,180,180,1226
26 Pim Ruyter NED 300,180,180,164,161,180,180,1225 + 120e
27 Leigh Morgan AUS 222,180,169,180,156,180,180,1225 + 42e
28 Josef Petras SVK 283,180,136,180,180,180,180,1216
29 Nikolay Mikheyev RUS 300,180,180,180,145,168,180,1213
30 Terry Bond AUS 300,180,180,180,180,180,131,1211 + 120e
31 Andreas Gey GER 254,180,180,180,131,180,180,1211 + 74e
32 Hongjun Zhang CHN 300,180,180,180,180,130,180,1210
33 Yrjo Waltonen FIN 300,180,151,180,154,180,173,1198
34 Stas Stankovic SLO 266,180,180,180,180,180,114,1194
35 Gunnar Wivardsson SWE 300,180,180,164,180,180,127,1191
36 Daniel Billam GBR 298,180,180,180,155,180,129,1184 + 118e
37 Miguel Angel Gordillo ESP 185,180,180,180,180,180,104,1184 + 5e
38 Ramon Durendez ESP 227,180,180,101,180,180,180,1181
39 Francois Ducassou FRA 190,180,180,91,180,180,180,1171
40 Bror Eimar SWE 300,180,180,180,180,89,180,1169
41 Markku Kiiskinen FIN 163,164,180,180,180,113,180,1160
42 Tor Bortne NOR 280,180,180,180,180,146,104,1150
43 Bryan Spooner GBR 283,180,180,180,145,180,93,1138
44 Jan Cihak CZE 279,180,165,180,180,68,180,1133 + 99e
45 Mirsad Kapetanovic BIH 213,180,180,180,86,147,180,1133 + 33e
46 Ladislav Horak CAN 300,180,180,180,149,176,86,1131
47 Herald Meusburger AUT 267,180,180,180,167,180,63,1130
48 Tiit Lilloveer EST 235,112,180,180,180,149,146,1127
49 Guy Buisson FRA 280,180,165,131,110,180,180,1126
50 Anselmo Zeri NED 300,180,180,180,91,134,180,1125
51 Kenan Jusufbasic BIH 300,180,180,180,180,117,103,1120 + 120e
52 Ole Torgersen NOR 250,180,180,107,113,180,180,1120 + 70e
53 Gil Mitzmacher ISR 223,141,157,180,180,180,99,1117
54 Jose Lorenzo FAI 186,180,180,129,87,180,180,1116
55 Itzhak Itzik Ben ISR 300,180,180,180,180,33,180,1113
56 Mario Lovato ITA 236,180,180,111,95,180,180,1106
57 Wilfrid Czincel GER 284,180,180,180,65,131,180,1096
58 Janne Isotalo FIN 35,180,180,160,180,180,180,1095
59 Indrek Harjo EST 185,180,180,123,139,180,112,1094
60 Horacio Ortiz ARG 270,180,147,159,180,122,122,1090
61 Stephen Jallet FRA 216,175,180,180,113,81,180,1089
62 Juan Giol ARG 274,180,180,123,85,180,152,1080
63 David Ackery NZL 173,180,131,124,180,102,180,1070
64 Bohuslav Ryz CZE 280,180,153,180,180,93,103,1069
65 Mario Kusterle ITA 242,180,180,180,130,100,103,1053
66 Walter Liberatore ITA 290,180,180,180,142,180,0,1042
67 Dragan Stankovic SLO 272,180,180,115,180,0,180,1015
68 Toshio Sakamaki JPN 180,180,180,180,88,150,0,958
69 Tarik Jusufbasic BIH 227,180,180,180,180,0,0,900
70 Lincoln Vincent NZL 212,180,180,180,4,2,0,726
71 Ivan Kolic SCG 295,0,0,0,0,0,0,180
Number of basic maxes 67,65,60,52,45,47,48
Number of maximums 28,65,60,52,45,47,48
Number of full scores 28,27,25,20,17,12,11

Team results

No Country Abbreviation Total Round-by-round team place Team member places
1 USA USA 3780 1,1,1,1,1,1,1 3,6,7
2 Ukraine UKR 3746 19,17,12,11,5,3,2 1,2,25
3 Russia RUS 3730 1, 1, 1,1,6,5,3 4,20,29
4 China CHN 3715 1,1,13,8,3,7,4 11,21,32
5 Australia AUS 3696 1,1,11,7,6,4,5 8,27,30
6 Austria AUT 3650 1,1,1,1,2,2,6 12,15,47
7 Sweden SWE 3618 1,1,1,10,4,8,7 18,35,40
8 Netherlands NED 3610 1,1,1,9,13,10,8 13,26,50
9 Great Britain GBR 3582 1,1,1,1,8,6,9 5,36,43
10 Germany GER 3567 1,1,1,1,15,12,10 9,31,57
11 Israel ISR 3490 1,19,19,14,9,11,11 14,53,55
12 Slovenia SLO 3469 1,1,1,15,10,13,12 10,34,67
13 Finland FIN 3453 20,20,20,20,18,16,13 33,41,58
14 Japan JPN 3444 1,18,16,11,14,9,14 17,24,68
15 Czech Republic CZE 3437 1,1,17,13,11,15,15 22,44,64
16 Argentina ARG 3430 1,1,15,17,16,14,16 16,60,62
17 France FRA 3386 1,15,14,19,20,19,17 39,49,61
18 Italy ITA 3201 1,1,1,16,17,17,18 56,65,66
19 Bosnia and Herzigovina BIH 3153 1,1,1,1,12,18,19 45,51,69
20 New Zealand NZL 3054 18,16,18,18,19,20,20 19,63,70
21 Spain ESP 2365 21,21,21,22,21,21,21 37,38
22 Norway NOR 2270 21,21,21,21,22,22,22 42,52
23 Estonia EST 2221 21,23,23,23,23,23,23 48,59
24 Slovakia SVK 1216 24,24,26,25,25,25,24 28
25 Canada CAN 1131 24,24,24,24,24,24,25 46
26 Uruguay as FAI FAI 1116 24,24,24,26,26,26,26 54
27 Serbia and Montenegro SCG 180 24,27,27,27,27,27,27 71