National Free Flight Society

Index to FAI Free Flight Championships results 2019

Top three results in each event are given on this page, select the required event name to access full results.

Held at Lost Hills, USA from October 16 to 22
No. Name Country Score rank 1 rank 2 rank 3
1 Constantin Brinzoi ROU 1380 +360 +480 +397
2 Dusan Fric CZE 1380 +360 +480 +374
3 Christian Andrist SUI 1380 +360 +480 +364
Champion team: Russia
Held at Lost Hills, USA from October 16 to 22 <
No. Name Country Score rank 1 rank 2 rank 3
1 Mickael Rigault FRA 1380 +360 +480 +341
2 Andreas Gey GER 1380 +360 +480 +313
3 Marian Popescu ROU 1380 +360 +480 +240
Champion team: Israel
Held at Lost Hills, USA from October 16 to 22
No. Name Country Score rank 1 rank 2
1 Taron Malkhasyan USA 1380 +360 +594
2 Yury Shvedenkov CAN 1380 +360 +490
3 Nikolay Rekhin RUS 1380 +360 +478
Champion team: Lithuania
Held at Lost Hills, USA from October 16 to 22
Place Country Total time F1A time F1B time F1C time
1 Poland 12248 3992 4140 4116
2 Russia 12229 4134 4140 3955
3 USA 12142 3964 4090 4088
Held at Martin, Slovakia from August 25 to 29
No. Name Country Score rank
1 Stanislaw Kubit POL 500.00 +420
2 Florian Winker GER 500.00 +363
3 Alexander Winker GER 500.00 +244
Champion team: Poland
Held at Martin, Slovakia from August 26 to 30
No. Name Country Score rank 1 rank 2
1 Dawid Karpowicz POL 400.00 +360 +269
2 Ema Kozuchova SVK 400.00 +360 +266
3 Laura Kozuchova SVK 400.00 +360 +206
Champion team: Slovakia
Held at Prilep,North Macedonia from August 16 to 20
No. Name Country Score rank 1 rank 2 rank 3
1 Per Findahl E/C 1380 +360 +480 +490
2 Bostjan Bagari SLO 1380 +360 +480 +450
3 Emmanuel Ragot FRA 1380 +360 +480 +388
Champion team: Slovenia
Held at Zetce near Tachov, Czech Republic
No. Name Country Score
1 Ivan Treger SVK 46.54
2 Lutz Schramm GER 44.29
3 Oleg Korniichuk UKR 43.48
Champion team: Ukraine
Held at Zetce near Tachov, Czech Republic
No. Name Country Score
1 Vladyslav Dziubak UKR 41.34
2 Vladyslav Klymenko UKR 41.16
3 Dmytro Bevz UKR 41.15
Champion team: Ukraine
Held at Prilep, North Macedonia from July 30 – August 4
No. Name Country Score rank 1 rank 2
1 Sagi Brudni ISR 1380 +360 +432
2 Anton Sidorkin RUS 1380 +360 +322
3 Leo Chene FRA 1380 +360 +287
Champion team: Israel
Held at Prilep, North Macedonia from July 30 – August 4
No. Name Country Score rank 1 rank 2
1 Vitek Rossler CZE 1380 +360 +480
2 Sebastian Jeckel GER 1380 +360 +411
3 Zofia Zdancewicz POL 1380 +344
Champion team: Poland
Held at Prilep, North Macedonia from July 30 – August 4
Place Country Total time F1A time F1B time F1P time
1 Russia 11021 3883 3563 3575
2 Estonia 10821 3681 3880 3260
3 Ukraine 9775 3173 3335 3267