National Free Flight Society

Index to 2022 FAI Free Flight Championships results

Top three results in each event are given on this page, select the required event name to access full results.

Held at Slanic Prahova, Romania, December 12 to 15
No. Name Country Score
1 Brett Sanborn W/C 57.10
2 John Kagan USA 55.19
3 Dmytro Sednov UKR 55.09
Champion team: Ukraine
Held at Slanic Prahova, Romania, December 12 to 15
No. Name Country Score
1 Cristian Enache ROU 50.10
2 Ivan Trusov UKR 49.41
3 Sofia Armeanu (F) ROU 46.31
Champion team: Romania
Held at Vachitran, Pordim, Bulgaria from July 25-30
No. Name Country Score rank 1rank 2
1 Noa Goldstein (F) USA 1380 +360 +327
2 Capucin Ragot FRA 1380 +360 +262
3 Levente Halasz-Szabo HUN 1380 +360 +208
Champion team: Hungary
Held at Vachitran, Pordim, Bulgaria from July 25-30
No. Name Country Score rank 1rank 2
1 Ittai Kohavi USA 1260 +360 +317
2 Tomasz Jeziorny POL 1260 +360 +265
3 Jonas Wiesiolek GER 1260 +360 +238
Champion team: Israel
Held at Vachitran, Pordim, Bulgaria from July 25-30
No. Name Country Score
1 Andrii Pshenychnyi UKR 1187
2 Oleksii Kosylo UKR 1187
3 Ruslan Novak UKR 1061
Champion team: Ukraine
Held at Vachitran, Pordim, Bulgaria from July 25-30
Place Country Total time F1A time F1B time F1P time
1 Ukraine 9693 3384 2874 3435
2 Estonia 9438 3387 3446 2605
3 France 7444 3860 3584 0
Held at Prilep,North Macedonia from August 16 to 20
No. Name Country Score rank 1rank 2rank 3
1 Per Findahl E/C 1380 +360 +480 +490
2 Bostjan Bagari SLO 1380 +360 +480 +450
3 Emmanuel Ragot FRA 1380 +360 +480 +388
Champion team: Slovenia
Held at Prilep,North Macedonia from August 16 to 20
No. Name Country Score rank 1rank 2
1 Bojan Gostojic SRB 1380 +480 +433
2 Jan Cihak CZE 1380 +480 +405
3 Or Shabat ISR 1380 +480 +395
Champion team: Poland
Held at Prilep,North Macedonia from August 16 to 20
No. Name Country Score rank 1rank 2
1 Gauthier Briere FRA 1380 +480 +457
2 Ezra Shemesh ISR 1380 +480 +427
3 Virginijus Furmaniukas LTU 1380 +460
Champion team: Ukraine
Held at Prilep,North Macedonia from August 16 to 20
Place Country Total time F1A time F1B time F1C time
1 Israel 12252 4122 3990 4140
2 Poland 11976 3923 4140 3913
3 Germany 11947 4062 4032 3853
Held at Turda, Romania from August 8 to 11
No. Name Country Score rank
1 Konrad Zurowski POL 500.00 +134
2 Velizar Vladev BUL 500.00 +90
3 Gorban Evgeny UKR 500.00 +74
Champion team: Germany
Held at Turda, Romania from August 8 to 11
No. Name Country Score rank
1 Stanislaw Rajca POL 500.00 +125
2 Omar Al Saloum FRA 500.00 +65
3 David Mesaros ROU 496.25
Champion team: Romania