National Free Flight Society

Index to 1951 FAI Free Flight Championships results

Top three results in each event are given on this page, select the required event name to access full results.

Held at Lesce-Bled, Yugoslavia on August 24
Rank Name Country Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 total
1 Oskar Czepa AUT 300 271 300 871
2 Liube Petkovski YUG 300 279 221 800
3 Arne Hansen DEN 300 245 252 797
Champion team: Denmark
Held at Jami Jarvi, Finland from July 7 to 8
Rank Name Country Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 total
1 S Stark SWE 226.2 232.5 246.5 705.2
2 H Tubbs GBR 252.7 236.9 186.6 676.2
3 Lustrati ITA 226.0 229.1 209.1 664.2
Champion team: Great Britain
Held at Evreux, France, from July 14-15.
Rank Name Country Round
1 Gerhard Schmid SUI 600
2 Heinz Lauchli SUI 545
3 Guyot FRA 488
Champion team: Switzerland