National Free Flight Society

Index to 1953 FAI Free Flight Championships results

Top three results in each event are given on this page, select the required event name to access full results.

Held at Lesce-Bled, Yugoslavia from August 21 to 24
Rank Name Country Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 total
1 Hans Hansen DEN 900.0 N/A
2 Heinz Denzin GER 285.4 300.0 258.0 843.4
3 Jen Pierre Templier FRA 300.0 235.0 300.0 835.0
Champion team: Denmark
Held at Cranfield, Great Britain during August
Rank Name Country Round 1 Round 2 total
1 J Foster USA 900 445 1345
2 H O’Donnell GBR 900 380 1280
3 E Scotto ARG 900 144 1044
Champion team: USA
Held at Cranfield, Great Britain during August
Rank Name Country Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 total
1 D Kneeland USA 300 300 300 900
2 G Fuller GBR 266 290 242 798
3 G Vidossich ITA 174 300 300 774
Champion team: USA