National Free Flight Society

Jury Report on 1986 Indoor Free Flight World Championship F1D

FAI Jury







Martin DILLY

Great Britain




August 22 and 26


Livno, Yugoslavia


The Pre Contest information was sufficient. An excellent programme was provided to the participants and supporters including general informations , score charts and model drawings of all the competitors.


All participants were accommodated at the RAF training center in CARDINGTON. Single rooms with private bath room. Licensed bar and excellent food. There was no ticket system, only individual badges. Everything was very smooth. The quality of the accommodation was excellent. During the day, lunch packets were distributed in the shed, where it was also possible to have warm drinks as tea and coffee

Flying site

The Cardington site is well known for its two famous hangars.. Shed No.1 is used for making and maintaining airships while shed No.2 is used for research into fires and so contains buildings constructed on the concrete floor.Despite the floor area which looked quite limited , the shed N 2 was prefered because in fact it gives more space than the No.1. Also, we were told by the local modelers that the flying conditions are much better in that one, with no rational explanation possible.


There were 51 competitors from 17 nations

Contest organisation

The contest organisation was good. There were enough timekeepers. The processing equipment was very accurate and the procedure was very smooth. The competitors had no problem to process their models before each flight. Two “specialists” were available to help retrieving models in the catwalks They did a very dangerous but also very efficient work


The level of the flights was very high. On the 1st evening we recorded no less than 16 flights over 40 minutes. A new World record has been settled to 47 minutes 44 seconds. Also five national records were beaten. Many competitors are not used to so high ceiling and thus are not so experienced with balloon + line steering. Also, the rule 3.4.7.a and its “note” is particularly difficult to apply for models flying at more than 40 meters over the head . The flying conditions had been excellent for the first day. Then the weather deteriorated, with strong wind and heavy rains outside. This gave particularly bad conditions inside the shed for the last flight with most of them around one minute, and no counting flights for competitor scores.


There was one official protest.

Closing Ceremony and Banquet

Trophies, medals and diplomas were awarded at the end of an excellent banquet.


It has been noted that sometimes, too many people were moving in the hangar. In the future, we should do something to prevent such a situation.


The organisers worked extremely hard to run this World Championship which has been a great success. They are to be thanked and congratulated for a job very well done.