National Free Flight Society

Jury Report on 2000 Free Flight European Championships F1E Seniors and Juniors

Jury Report on 2000 Free Flight European Championships F1E Seniors and Juniors

FAI Jury

Pierre ChaussebourgFRADelegate and CIAM 1st VP
Dorota WlodarczykPOLAlternate Delegate
Mihail ZanciuROMDelegate


From 18 to 21 June 2000


Cluj Napoca, Romania


Teams and officials were accommodated in a good hotel in the city of Cluj Napoca, where we had also Team managers meeting and banquet.

Opening ceremony

Took place on the main square, in front of the hotel. The President of the municipality of Cluj Napoca opened the ceremony. The FAI Jury was presented to the teams, and it has been mentioned that Mrs Dorota Wlodarczyk was the first lady to serve in an FAI Jury for a Continental Championship in the CIAM. Romania and FAI anthem were played.

Flying Site

The slope was situated near the city of Turda, about 30 km east of Cluj. From the top of a little pass, where the cars were parked, it was possible to fly on two opposite directions (west and east). The east slope was used for the first round. Then, the wind direction changed and we had to move to a highest hill, on the north of our place where we could fly on a huge slope oriented to the north, which was very convenient. It was nice although some competitors complained because it was “too easy to max”on this slope.


The weather was nice, with no rain and a light wind, sometimes turbulent because of thermal activity.

Contest organisation

The contest organisation was good. Each team was allocated two timekeepers at each round.


Seniors: 25 from 9 countries
Juniors: 12 from 4 countries


There was a tour in the area of Turda. We went there by bus, and then we had an interesting walk in a canyon, along a small river. This was followed by a picnic with barbecue and we came back in the middle of the afternoon, with some free time left to prepare the closing ceremony and banquet.

Prize-giving and banquet

Diplomas, medals and trophies were awarded to the winners, during the banquet.


Excellent Championship, well organised, no protest and good participation. Two World Cup contests were also organized, one on the same slope of Turda, the second one near Cluj, both very successful. The Federatia Romana de Modelism should be congratulated for a perfect organization.