National Free Flight Society

Jury Report on 2000 Free Flight Junior World Championships F1A F1B F1J

Jury Report on 2000 Free Flight Junior World Championships F1A F1B F1J

FAI Jury

Pierre Chaussebourg


Delegate and CIAM 1st VP
Miroslav Sulc


Vladimir Hadac




From14 to 19 August, starting with a World cup contest on August 13.


Sezimovo-Usti, Czech Republic.The flying field was a former military air base in Vsechov, 12 km from Sezimovo-Usti, on the other side of the city of Tabor. The field is large, with a 2000m asphalt strip which is used by cars and motor cycles as a speed track… This was quite dangerous during training, and the Jury had to insist upon the organiser to have this runway closed by a fence at both ends and completely forbidden to any traffic.


Most of the teams and officials were accommodated in Hotel MAS in Sezimovo-Usti. Some teams were in a camping site near Tabor. Packed lunches were served on the field.

Contest Organisation

It was difficult to know if it was a communication problem because of language or bad knowledge of the sporting code, but it was not evident for organisers to apply rule B.13.6 as amended in 1999: nothing was organised to have models presented with their corresponding specification certificates and correctly marked.

After a long discussion, between jury and organisers, because of a bad positioning of the starting line for F1B Fly-off, it was finally agreed that next time, the jury had to be consulted before to position the line.


      • F1A 43 Competitors from 16 countries
      • F1B 30 Competitors from 10 countries
      • F1J 13 Competitors from 5 countries


The programme given to all participants mentioned on Friday 18 August:

“9.00 – 13.00 Sightseeing – Historical sights of the town Tabor – Hussite museum – Catacombs”

In fact, several teams were waiting in front of the hotel, and after 30 minutes delay, the president of the jury was still unable to give any answer to the team managers’ questions, concerning this tour. At one of the organisers informed us that there would be no bus and that if we wanted to go and visit Tabor, we would have to do it by ourselves…

Banquet and Closing Ceremony

Closing ceremony took place in a theatre and was well organised. Banquet was at the hotel. Considering the menu, 35 USD was quite expensive.


For a World Championships, it is essential that the contest director has a common language with the THREE jury members. It should be emphasised for Free Flight Championship that timekeeping is the most important thing and should be done by strict application of the rules. Particularly for juniors, organisation must be faultless.