National Free Flight Society

Jury Report on 2001 Free Flight Junior European Championships F1A F1B F1J

Jury Report on 2001 Free Flight Junior European Championships F1A F1B F1J

FAI Jury

Pierre Chaussebourg


Delegate and CIAM 1st VP

Dorota Wlodarczyk


Alternate Delegate

Marius Conu




15 to 21 July 2001


Sibiu Romania


Most of the teams and officials were accommodated in Hotel Bulevard in Sibiu.

Contest Organisation

Contest was organised at Sibiu airport. The regular flights were well on schedule, so it has been easy to anticipate and we had not to interrupt a round because of a commercial flight. We had only to delay the start of some rounds for a few minutes. At the beginning of the Championship, it took some time for the military guards to understand that when there was no air traffic, there was no reason to prevent our juniors and their helpers to run across the runway for retrieving their models. On the last day, everything was perfect. The contest director, Professor George Arghir has been very efficient. The timekeeping was good and there has been no protest.

The weather has been excellent, quite hot and sometimes windy. The starting line has been moved several times and retrieving of models has never been a big problem.


F1A: 9 countries

F1B: 8 countries

F1J: 4 countries


A tour has been organised for the participants in the Karpathi mountains.

Banquet and Closing Ceremony

Closing ceremony took place in the restaurant room where we had the banquet. Medals, diplomas and trophies from the organisers were awarded to the winners.

It must be noted that the team of Russia left in the morning before the award ceremony after having obtained from the organisers to have their medals, diplomas and trophies. Unfortunately, the Jury was informed after they had left.

We think that this situation should not take place anymore, and the organisers should not give any award before the official awarding ceremony.

The FAI team trophy (Challenge France for juniors) which had not been awarded last year, was given to the Polish team who had been the winner last year.


This Championship was excellent, well organised, and the Romanian Federation of Aeromodelling must be commended for very good work.