National Free Flight Society

Jury Report on 2001 Free Flight World Championships F1E Seniors and Juniors

Jury Report on 2001 Free Flight World Championships F1E Seniors and Juniors

FAI Jury



Delegate and CIAM 1st VP






Alternate Delegate.


21 to 26 September 2001




Teams and officials were accommodated in Pensionat Naft Tur near Lopuszna at about five kilometers from the city of NOWY TARG. This rest house was very convenient, with a meeting room, a large dining room and very comfortable bed rooms.

The food was excellent, with warm lunch served on the slope on the competition day.

Opening Ceremony

It took place on the main square in NOWY TARG, with several local authorities. The national anthem of Poland and FAI anthem were played. Then local groups from the youth club performed local dances. Then team managers, jury members and contest organisers were received in the town hail by the mayor of Nowy Targ.

Flying Site

The flying site was good, with several obstacles as big trees and farms, but it has not been a real problem. The day before the competition practice took place on another site which was quite small and which could not be used as a championship site.


The weather was OK in the morning for the first three rounds, but at the end of the third round and during all the lunch break, we had to cope with heavy rain. Fortunately it stopped and after a half an hour delay, we could start the fourth round and finally have the fifth round just before the rain started again.

Contest Organisation

The contest organisation was good. The timekeepers were efficient and well equipped with binoculars. They had not an easy task, as the visibility was far from excellent, mainly in the afternoon but they did very well and there were no complaints.


Seniors: 28 competitors from 10 countries (for the first time one participant from a non-European country)

Juniors: 17 competitors from 7 countries


The maximum duration was 3 minutes in the first round, then 4 minutes in the rounds 2, 3 and 5, and 5 minutes in the fifth round. Only one junior flyer managed to make the 5 minutes max in this round. In seniors, there was 8 competitors with full score after three rounds, then only three at the end of the fourth round and finally nobody maxed out and the winner came from the 8th place in the fourth round.


There was a tour for visiting the salt mine of Wieliszka near CRAKOW.

Closing Ceremony and Banquet

The Closing ceremony took place in the large room of a restaurant. Jury members awarded FAI diplomas and medals and the major of the city and local authorities awarded organiser’s medals, diplomas and trophies.

The banquet was excellent, in a very warm atmosphere.


This Championship was very successful. The Aero Club of Poland and the local Youth Social Recreation Club must be congratulated for an excellent organisation.