National Free Flight Society

Jury Report on 2002 Indoor Free Flight World Championship F1D for Seniors and Juniors

Jury Report on 2002 Indoor Free Flight World Championship F1D for Seniors and Juniors

FAI Jury

Pierre Chaussebourg


Delegate and CIAM 1st VP

Gerhard Wobbeking



Mihail Zanciu




 October 7 to 12 2002


 Slanic Prahova, Romania


Adequate bulletins were sent in time with the necessary informations.


Hotel Valdor, Slanic-Prahova. Hot lunches prepared at hotel were served inside the salt mine, which was very convenient for competitors and officials.

Opening ceremony

Took place in the salt mine. FM and Romanian anthems were plaid. Teams were presented.

Flying site

In order to have the best flying conditions, it had been decided at the team managers meeting that there would be a minimum number of persons in the flying area. This was not easy to be applied and asked a constant effort from the contest director.


Seniors: 31 competitors from 12 nations.

Juniors: 14 competitors from 6 nations.

Contest organisation

Each competitor had to prepare his model in the preparing area, then come to the flying area, and process his model with his timekeepers. After launching of the model, all equipment had to be removed from the flying area, and all the people involved in the flight (competitor, team manager and timekeepers had to stay along the walls in order to minimise any thermal activity in the flying area. Two rounds were flown each day, with the two best flights counting for the classification.

At the team managers meeting, it has been decided that the weight of the rubber motors would be checked after the flight, with the scale available at any time for competitors. Then the question was: “what happens if a model is hanged on the wall with a good time”? The Jury decided that this would be at the benefit of the competitors.


We still have the same problem as in 2000 for reflights: Looking at the sporting code and the organisers guide, the jury noted that there is an ambiguity for reflights when flying in rounds: the sporting code says that reflights must take place before the next official flight. When a competitor starts, let’s say 5 minutes before the end of a round, and then has a collision with an other model after the end of that round, the reflight may take place after the end of that round, or even during the next round, before the next official flight of that competitor. Is it then possible that a team member of that competitor fly at the same moment? This needs to be clarified by the Free Flight Sub-Committee.

Closing Ceremony and Banquet

Took place in the hotel. FM medals, diplomas and trophies were awarded to the winners, as well as medals, diplomas and trophies from the organiser. The Juniors flew very well, as the best junior flight was just 3 second behind the best senior flight. Also, the first and second juniors could have been placed 2d and 3rd if classified with the seniors. The total time of the junior winning team would have placed them at 2d place if classified with the senior teams.


This Championship was the first one with the new F1D specifications . There was more participants than in 2000.

The Federatia Romana de Modelism must be congratulated for a very good organisation and a very successful Championship.