National Free Flight Society

Jury Report on 2004 Indoor Free Flight World Championship F1D for Seniors and Juniors

Jury Report on 2004 Indoor Free Flight World Championship F1D for Seniors and Juniors

FAI Jury

Emil Ch. Giezendanner



Wilhelm Kamp



Mihail Zanciu




October 4 to 9, 2004


The Salt Mines of Slanic Prahova, Romania


36 competitors senior
13 teams senior
13 competitors junior
5 teams junior


Accommodation was provided in a hotel, approx. 15 minutes walk from the salt mines. An excellent breakfast and evening meal were served in the hotel. Each team had its own reserved table, identified by a small national flag. The hotel also provided excellent hot meals inside the salt mines – including white table cloths at 130m under ground!

Flying site

The FAI Indoor World Championships have been organised in the Salt Mines of Sladic Prahova by the Romanian Modelling Association several times before. Constant temperature and ambient humidity as well as only minimal air currents make this an ideal venue for the Indoor World Championships in the Class Fl D. The maximum height of the “hall” is 71 m, providing enough room for beautiful and interesting flights. The entire contest site of the World Championships is approx. 130m below ground and is easily reached via two lifts. The venue is L-shaped and one side of the “L” contained the competitors’ preparation room, the restaurant, toilets and a training area. The other side was reserved for the competition itself and access was only allowed for the respective competitor with his helper and the timekeepers.


The organisers demonstrated their considerable experience in holding large international aeromodelling events. The whole programme took place exactly according to plan and the schedule was followed to the minute. Within a short time after each flight results were displayed on the results board. Models’ measurements and weights were checked in a simple yet very practical manner. The teams from Hungary and the USA demonstrated exemplary teamwork.

Opening and Closing Ceremony

The opening and closing ceremonies were short, uncomplicated and formally adequate. Unfortunately the US Modelling Association had not sent back the team trophy, so this could not be presented to the new World Champion Team from Romania. Hopefully this can be done as soon as possible.


The jury had to deal with one protest regarding a dropped elastic that had not been noticed by the timekeepers. The decision led to a reflight which, at over 36 minutes, ended up as the record flight of the championships. One minor uncertainty, as to whether the flight itself was to be considered interrupted when the model was merely touched or only when it was actually caught by hand could be cleared up without protests.


Finally, I would like to thank the Romanian Modelling Association for the excellent and perfect organisation. Indoor modelling enthusiasts are already looking forward to the next World Championships in Slanic Prahova.