National Free Flight Society

Jury Report on 2013 Indoor Free Flight European Championship F1D for Seniors and Juniors

Jury Report on 2013 Indoor Free Flight European Championship F1D for Seniors and Juniors

FAI Jury

Gerhard Wobbeking



Srdjan Pelagic



Mihail Zanciu




August 13 to 18, 2013


Belgrade, Serbia


The 2013 F1D European Championships for Seniors and Juniors were organised by the Aeronautical Union of Serbia as the executive organizer with Nikola Borovac as Contest Director. The event was supported by 38 competitors out of 10 nations. 12 of them were Juniors, completing four full National Teams and fulfilling the demands of the Sporting Code as a minimum of nations for proper continental championships. As usual, Seniors and Juniors flew at the same time within the six rounds à three hours distribut-ed over three competition days.

Site and Date of the Event

For the sixth time Serbia was able to provide the big hall No. 1 of the Belgrade Fair. The huge building of the 60ties is an architectural concrete marvel in the shape of a lens, with a diameter of more than 100 meters. The flat centre of the ceiling offers a usable height of about 28 meters; the construction pattern includes 5500 round windows to lighten the inside. Tables for the teams surround the floor which is lowered by one me-ter and free of any obstacles. Timekeepers have a perfect view from above. Competitors regard the big hall as the best Cat.III-site known so far in the world. It is available for indoor events during the holidays of Belgrade Fair for little money.

As these holidays lasted till 15th of September, Aeronautical Union scheduled the event originally for the first week in September. The reason was the drawback which is the heat inside of the impressive building, exceeding the outside temperature by a fair mar-gin. Unfortunately, May 31st 2013 they had to announce that the hall were not available anymore because a commercial user was willing to pay the usual fee (5000 € per day) and the event had to be rescheduled to August 13-18. The National Aeroclubs of GBR and FRA claimed the refund of travel expenses, but the Aeronautical Union of Serbia po-litely called for force majeure.

During the EuCh outside temperature was luckily moderate and the sky was sometimes overcast, reducing the heat inside. Little drifts remained because of the moving sunlight warming up different parts of the concrete surface during the whole day. That made steering necessary to prevent models from hang-ups, causing several ruined flights. The organiser offered sufficient helium for the balloons for free.

Organisation and Timekeeping

There were both, a Team Managers’ meeting and a timekeepers’ meeting, all of which attended by the Jury. Most timekeepers were experienced with freeflight and very dedi-cated to their tasks. As it was not possible providing all 14 teams any time with one pair of timekeepers, organisation made use of 3.A.3.6 (Indoor Free Flight Organisers Guide): “Alternatively all timekeepers may be kept in a central pool and called forward as re-quired for each competitor as he has been processed ready for flight.” Two panels of timekeepers were waiting at both sides of the large round; whoever wants to fly gets a pair. Again, there was almost no shortage or bottle neck as it’s statistically unlikely that more than a quarter of all contestants want to fly at the same time.

Measurement systems for checking of models and rubber weight enabled a good work flow. The announcement system had some difficulties to be heard everywhere in the huge hall but the inevitable echo caused no misunderstandings.


Most teams found accommodation in Hotel “M”, which granted good quality as proved already last year. Again a contract had been made with the restaurant at the river Sava close by. It offered very good luncheons and dinners in fresh air and in a lovely holiday’s atmosphere. Place of the opulent banquet was this time the restaurant in the Building of the Aeronautical Union which is one of the city’s best places. It was a pity that several teams rather saved their money instead of enjoying that wonderful finale.

Opening and Closing ceremony

A nice opening ceremony took place outside the hall, with groups performing traditional Serbian dances in a rousing style. To avoid a prize giving in the dark, the closing cere-mony took place within the hall. Not all perpetual trophies could be awarded; former Eu-ropean Junior Champion Gabriela Kaplanova forgot to bring her trophy to be awarded to the new Junior Champ Denis Zhariy from Ukraine. Instead of the trophy he got a kiss on the podium.


FAI owes to thank the Aeronautical Union of Serbia and especially their President Labud Bulatovic for a great event. International Championships in Exhibition Hall 1 in Belgrade will remain a highlight in history of freeflight indoor forever.