National Free Flight Society

Jury Report on Free Flight Junior European Championships 2017 F1A F1B F1P

Jury Report on Free Flight Junior European Championships 2017 F1A F1B F1P

FAI Jury

Joze Cuden
Valentin Savov
Dimko Spirkoski


August 25-29 2017


Prilep, Macedonia


Flight times are given in each of the 5 rounds in seconds, followed by the total for the rounds. Times are then given for each flyoff round for competitors in the flyoff.



The city of Prilep lies in tourist area so many hotels were at disposal to the participants. The Championships HQ was located in the House of Culture in the city centre. Most of the participants were accommodated in nearby hotels (Atlas, Kristal Palas, Salida, Breza, Sonce, etc.). Prices for boarding and lodging were very acceptable. During the contest days lunch was provided for timekeepers and officials at the airfield and as well as for competitors who required that. Bottled drink water for all participants at the airfield was available free of charge during whole day. Participants used their own cars for transportation to the airfield.

Flying site

The airfield Malo Konjari is sports airport temporarily rarely used for flying. It is located about 9 km west from Prilep on the road Prilep – Krusevo at the altitude of 607 meters above sea level. This is a large flat grass covered area without any obstacles, surrounded with fields of arable crops and is excellent for aeromodelling competitions. Several free flight aeromodelling events including F1 ABC World Cups have been organised on this location for years. This airfield offers excellent conditions for flying free flight aero models. It is much better than some places used in the past for 1st category events and is highly recommended for such events in future too. Overall organization of the event was successful and in accordance with the standards for such events. Airfield Malo Konjari is located between towns Prilep and Krusevo 125 km south west from Skopje, capital of FYR Macedonia. It is well known for aeromodelling free flight competitions including F1 ABC World Cup events for more than 20 years. At the entrance of the field there is a hangar with some airplanes and plenty of place for the equipment used during the contest days. At the starting place there was a tent for daily storing of all necessary equipment and two chemical toilets.


Weather was sunny and warm but not too hot with temperatures from 16 °C in the morning to 30 °C in the afternoon. Average wind speed was from 0,5 to 1,5 m/s increasing during the day up to 5 m/s in the afternoon.


Weather conditions were good for flying, but not easy for competitors who ran after models, because of the high temperature and a very dry air. Timekeeping was very correct. The participating teams provided some foreign timekeepers, which contributed to the impartial timekeeping.

Data Processing

Results lists were updated manually during all rounds and written on the information board placed close to the starting line. Placing lists were calculated by laptop computers, printed and published on the championship’s web site.

Opening and Closing Ceremony

Opening and Closing ceremony were organised in the city centre on one of the main squares and at the Open Stone Scene historical ruin. Both ceremonies were pleasant and not too long with some speeches of the officials, the Opening ceremony also accompanied with impressive folk dances. The Awarding ceremony was a part of the Closing ceremony on the last day. Individual and team winners were awarded the FAI diplomas, medals and cups donated by the organizer. In addition, the Czech Republic was awarded the FAI Perpetual “Challenge Trophy” for the best team in general classification. The final banquet was organized at the hotel Kristal Palas on the top floor, where there was a restaurant and swimming pool. Most of the participants spent some time in friendly atmosphere and enjoying in tasty food and drinks.


a) The airfield was large, flat and with no obstacles so there was no need for reposition of the starting line during the whole Championships. b) All local officials on the airfield were very experienced modellers who did their jobs professionally. The panel of timekeepers was reinforced with experienced timekeepers from Bulgaria, Poland, Slovenia and Ukraine. The whole event passed without any protests or complaints. c) During the F1P competition there was a short break due to the priority air transport of persons to nearby state facilities. d) Unfortunately there was no restaurant offering some refreshments and snacks where participants could sit and have a break during the rounds. It is a practice at most of the 1st category events. The organizer accepted this remark and agreed to assure it for future events. Except that shortcoming the organizer provided everything necessary to conduct the event very correctly and with great enthusiasm.


a) 2017 FAI F1 Junior European Championships for Free Flight Model Aircraft in Classes F1A, F1B and F1P held in Prilep (MKD) were conducted in accordance with required standards for such events and were very successful. b) The airfield is excellent for the FAI Free Flight 1st category events and can be recommended for organization of such events in future.