National Free Flight Society

Jury Report on Free Flight Junior World Championships 1990 F1A F1B F1C

FAI Jury

Otakar Saffek



Andras Ree



Vilim Kmoch




From 20 September to 26 September 1990.


Mostar, Yugoslavia


The second Free flight World championships for juniors were organized by the Vazduchoplovni savez Yugoslavia (Central Yugoslavian aeroclub), and the local Aeroclub N.H. Ljubo Bresan in Mostar.


There were 25 competitors from 9 nations. This was fewer than in 1988, but this may have been influenced by the necessarily late selection of the venue.


  • Competitors, supporters and competition staff were accommodated in five good class hotels, approx. 12 km away from the flying site (Hotel Buna, Student s Hotel, Hotel Neretva, Penzion “Penzionera’ and Resindence of Mr. Tito).
  • A part of the participants were accommodated in camping Buna in little bungalows approximately 6 km form Mostar and 18 km from the airfield.
  • The timekeepers and some officials and competitors were accommodated in camping Mostarsko Blato.
  • Some of the team managers and even participants criticized the level of accommodation which did not respond to the money paid.
  • Breakfast and dinner were served in the hotels. Lunch was taken at the airfield. The food was good and plentiful, but in comparison with other events the value of food did not correspond to entry fees either.

flying site

  • The Airfield “Mostarsko blato’ is situated approx. 12 km from Mostar, in the middle of a qreat valley. Here was a large airfield (5×15 km) with dry grass. Several starting lines had been prepared in advance, which was practical when needed.
  • Tents were held for processinq durinq the contest. There was also a medical doctor at the airfield, with an ambulance.
  • Buses were provided for the contestants for daily travel to and from the contest site (from Mostar and camping Buna).


Bad weather at the beginning required complete rescheduling of the competition (see below) and a tour to Medugorie was cancelled.


  • The model processing was organized during the practice day (21. September). The weather this day was excellent. There were some problems with precious scales in a tent at the airport during processing.
  • All events were organized and results, were pasted on a display board. The results are also distributed for all team managers after each round.
  • Category F1A could not be flown and finished on the scheduled day. Because of very strong wind (over 15 m/s) and rain in the morning, we had to wait for more then four hours to start first round.
  • After the decision of FAI Jury the competition in F1A was rescheduled from the 22 September to the day after (23 September). All officials and participant were waiting on the field for the better weather conditions, but all day the wind was over the limit.
  • From 23 September the weather was better (for F1C a little windy at 6 m/s), for F1B excellent.

Opening and Closing Ceremony

  • The opening ceremony was held in a stadium at KANTAREVAC, with presentations of the teams and a nice cultural program. Some teams did not take part in the opening ceremony because the organizers did not ensure their transport.
  • Many team managers were not surprised with the prizeqiving ceremony. The closing ceremony was adequate, but the prizes for competitors and teams were not at the WCH level:
  • Individuals winners were awarded nice Cups, FAI gold, silver and bronze medals and FAI diploma.
  • One single diploma for each team was distributed to the all team (three competitors and team manager)! No other prizes, cups etc.


Mast of the technical problems were resolved on the spot without anybody of the team managers having to lodge a written complaint. Reminders on the part of FAI were respected by the organizers but often with considerable delay. The sports course of the World championship was not in any case in contradiction with FAI rules.


The second Free Flight World championship for juniors was influenced by bad weather. The organizers also made some mistakes, especially in the field of accommodation, transport, prizeqiving ceremony and a banquet. It was possible to solve most of the problems, especially technical ones, on the spot. This report additionally covered some reports of the separate aero clubs and the conclusions from the negotiation of ClAM Bureau which took place November 29. — 30. 1990 in Paris. I suggest that repeating complaints of economic problems with entry fees should be solved at the plenary session of ClAM. Simultaneously it should be recommended to award adequate prizes and diploma to winners in rating teams and individuals on World championships for juniors.