National Free Flight Society

Jury Report on Free Flight Junior World Championships 1998 F1A F1B F1J

Jury Report on Free Flight Junior World Championships 1998 F1A F1B F1J

FAI Jury



Del 1st CIAM VP

Martin DILLY

New Zealand


Marius CONU


Alt. delegate


15 to 21 August


 Sibiu – ROMANIA


80 competitors from 17 countries
47 competitors in FlA
16 competitors from 6 teams in F1B
17 competitors from 6 teams in F1J


Several teams were accommodated in hotels in SIBIU and also in the local camping site.

Lunches with hot meals were served at the field, in the shade of military tents opened on one side to the flying field. Food was good and sufficient.

Drinks coffee and sandwiches were also available at any time on the field at a reasonable price.

Flying site

The flying site which is situated at 3 km from the city centre is the local airport of Sibiu, with concrete and grass runways, used for commercial airlines and Transilvania, Aero Club of Sibiu. The area, 2x3km, is very convenient for free flight.


The weather has been nice for all the week, including the two days of World Cup Contest. On several evenings, storms were seen on the surrounding mountains, but never came too close to the airfield.


Due to a charter flight on the airport between 9.00 and 10.00, on the Monday morning, we had to modify the previous schedule, and started the competition with F1J because there is only 5 rounds in this class.

F1A was on Tuesday 28th and F1B on Wednesday 19th. We had fly—off every evening: three fly—off rounds were necessary for F1J, one round for F1A and two rounds for F1B. The level of participants was excellent.

In class F1A 21 competitors made the 3 minutes 30 in the 1st round, and 8 reached the flyoff.

The participation was quite low in F1B Four competitors qualified for the flyoff.

F1J had a better participation than FlC in the previous Junior Champs, so it seems to have been a good decision to adopt this class for juniors bit, due to the very high level of some very sophisticated models, some restrictions should be made in the rules for juniors, in order to keep a simple model


Some local experienced modellers were timekeepers, helped by a very few foreign timekeepers. It should be noted that participation of foreign timekeepers should be emphasised.

Tour, Closing Ceremony and Banquet

An excursion to the mountains and a lunch in a local restaurant were well appreciated.

The banquet and prize giving were well organised. Cups, FAI medals and diplomas were awarded to the winners in a very warm atmosphere.


There was no official protest during the Championship, but in the morning of the 2nd day of competition, due to complains from several team mangers, the Jury had to intervene and remind the article B.3.6. of the sporting code, concerning the responsibilities and duties of a team manager and team manager assistant to M. Pera KOLIC team manager assistant of YUGOSLAVIA who had been really spoiling the atmosphere on the previous day.

Also, the article of the general section concerning unsporting behaviour was reminded. The situation improved at least up to the end of the Championship.


An excellent Junior Championship, well conducted by a very efficient contest Director: Georges ARGHIR.

Good weather, good field, good organisation: Mihail ZANCIU and the Federatia Romana de Modelism, and also Alexandru Crauciuc Comandant of SIBIU Airport must be thanked and congratulated for this very successful Championship.