National Free Flight Society

Jury Report on Free Flight World Championships 1993 F1E for Seniors and Juniors

FAI Jury

Otakar Saffek


Werner Groth


Pawel Wlodarzyk/ Jerzy Siatkowski **


** Due to other commitments, Jury-member Pawel Wlodarzyk had to leave before the start of the event. He was replaced by Jerzy Siatkowski.


28 September to 2 October 1993




The Bulletins were sent out in due time and contained all necessary informations for participants and accompanying persons.


Ten Pilots from four countries participated in the Junior World Championship. The participation of 31 pilots from 10 FAI member countries was the largest ever in a W/Ch. of this class, as far as Seniors are concerned. This was partly due to more countries being formed in Eastern Europe. However, F1E still appears to be a European class, where the interest is increasing every year.


The official accommodation was a quiet vacation-installation of the Polish Saving Banks. The rooms were comfortable and clean. Unfortunately, there was no heating yet, although the night temperatures were well below zero. While the hotel employees did not speak any of the FAI languages, the NAC of Poland had supplied skilled interpreters.


Breakfast and supper were served at the hotel, lunch-boxes were available to be taken out to the contest site. All meals were of good quality and served by friendly waitresses in a clean dining-room. The lunch-boxes were well prepared and the food was tasty.

Flying site

To allow flying at different wind directions, the organizer had selected several slopes. All of them were suitable for class F1E contests.


The Contest Director was familiar with class F1E and able to master any situation. The timekeepers were well trained and reliable. Results were readily available and exposed without delay. Strong winds created a rather demanding contest. The FAI rules for F1E need, for safety reasons some clarifications that will be requested and explained elsewhere.

Opening and Closing Ceremony

The participants appreciated the participation of the President of the NAC of Poland and of the FAT Secretary General at the impressive opening ceremony downtown Krynica in front of the Kurhaus. The prizegiving ceremony in the historic Kurhaus and the banquet were of high standard and adequate to the importance of the event.


There is no protest.


There was a F1E World Cup Event attached to them which saw 57 participants.


The organisers did a great job , particularly Jiri KALINA who was also competing for the Czech team. The Jury members agree to congratulate the organisers for a very successful Championship.