National Free Flight Society

Jury Report on Free Flight World Championships 1995 F1A F1B F1C

FAI Jury




Ian Kaynes



Andras Ree




July 22 to 28


Domsod, Hungary


Advance information bulletins were adequate and arrived in time but there was a lack of information on arrival. At the flying field it was not possible to have immediate information about the flying results as no score board was available. One copy of the results was available at the end of each day.


Many countries entered late making problems for organisers. 272 competitors from 38 countries took part:
FlA: 109 competitors, 37 teams
FlB: 96 competitors, 35 teams
F1C: 66 competitors, 28 teams


Accommodation was very dispersed and some of low standard. All meals, even breakfast, were served at the flying field under a big tent beside cars driving on a dusty track. No drink was included with the meals until after team manager complaints. At lunch, service of hot meal was very slow: packed lunch would have been more appropriate and convenient. General cost charged for food and accommodation appeared high compared to costs at other hotels and restaurants in Hungary.

Flying site

A good field with large flying area and good conditions except for dust. Dust on the approach road improved when sprayed with water. Starting line was well marked but unfortunately only one marking device was available, which could not give any possibility to prepare the new starting line before the end of the round when it had been necessary to move the line . Moving to a new position was very slow.


Successful competition in all classes A very good conclusion in F1A with fly-offs on the competition day. F1B and C required fly-off continued on following morning. F1C fly-off showed timekeeping difficulties with the long distances flown by the models and poor visibility. For F1B a better position of the starting line, at the last fly-off would have been more convenient.


Some problems in timekeeping due to lack of good binoculars and lack of experience in timekeeping. It is recommended to improve the definition of binoculars and to use tripods as it has been done so successfully in ARGENTINA 1989.

Opening and Closing Ceremony

Prize-giving ook place in Raceve park near Danube. FAI trophies, medals and diplomas were awarded to winners as well as organisers trophies. The sponsor donated three portable computers for presentation to the winners at the banquet. Banquet was in the works canteen of the Budapest metro. Tickets were not checked on entry and it appeared that in any case more tickets had been sold than seats were available. The temperature in the room was extremely hot and uncomfortable. The price was also very high compared to what you could expect for the same amount in a local restaurant.


Mr. Wim CROES, vice-president of FAI, was a welcome visitor. He was very interested spectator of the deciding early morning F1C fly—off and watched the F1B competition including the deciding fly—off the next morning. He attended the closing ceremony and the banquet before travelling to Romania by train for F3B World Championships. It becomes absolutely necessary that the local Jury member is completely independent of the organiser (rule B.4.l.) The rule B.4.5. needs to be clarified and improved If each national team provides 1 selected timekeeper, we are sure that at least one of the best officials in the world at each starting pole Each foreign timekeeper would be supposed to come with his own equipment: binoculars, tripod, stopwatch etc. which would prevent the organiser to have to worry about it.


After a so good European Championship at the same site, some years ago, everyone was expecting better than what happened. It is sure that the late entry plus late payment of many countries made difficult problems for organisers, but this is not to be considered as the only reason for so many difficulties. Fortunately DOMSOD Puszta is one of the best flying field for Free Flight, and, with beautiful weather for more than two weeks, flying there was very pleasant and delightful.