National Free Flight Society

Jury Report on Junior Free Flight European Championships 2013 F1A F1B F1P

Jury Report on Junior Free Flight European Championships 2013 F1A F1B F1P

FAI Jury

Andras Ree



Pierre Chaussebourg



Sotir Lazarkov




July 7 to 14, 2013


Pazardzhik, Bulgaria


Three bulletins were distributed to NACs in time and were displayed on the championship website containing the majority of the necessary information, including the anti-doping form to be filled by the competitors.

One technical meeting was organized for team managers, officials and the jury. The meeting was rather short and efficient. Another meeting was held for the timekeepers in Bulgarian language. The remarks of the jury were passed to the timekeepers.


The final entry was a total of 76 competitors from 15 countries, slightly increased number of entries in F1A, slightly less in F1B and about the same in F1P class, compared to 2011. The respective numbers in the three classes were as follows:

F1A – 36 competitors (including 4 girls) from 14 countries (10 full teams)

F1B – 29 competitors (including 6 girls) from 11 countries (9 full teams)

F1P – 11 competitors (no girls) from 5 countries (2 full teams).

Accommodation and food

Accommodation was organized in three and two star hotels. In the hotels we had the breakfast and dinner, lunch was at the field in the one hour brake between the fourth and fifth rounds. The accommodation at the hotels and the food was good.

Flying site

The flying site was the old airfield of Chernogorovo, 15 km to the North from the city of Pazardzhik. The grass area was 2×0,5 km with about 2 km open space around – mainly used for agricultural purposes –, also the place for the Sofia Cup and Bulgaria Cup.

Motorized vehicles were allowed for retrieving of the models on the “roads” at the sides of the flying area.


The weather conditions were good, sunny, warm and dry, with large strong thermals, no wind to medium wind (in the afternoon rounds), but the direction was not optimal. Therefore the retrieving was not easy, because during the medium wind rounds the models landed mainly in agricultural terrain. The basic wind direction was nearly the same. The best conditions were on the F1P contest day, but there were not so many competitor in the fly-off as expected. The visibility was good in all days to have reliable timekeeping. The event started all day at 8 a.m. sharply, with 55 min. round time and 5 min. basic breaks.

The F1A competitors had the best chance for finding thermals and their models to stay in the thermals. The higher max in the first round was reached by 24 from the 36 competitors and 5 of 10 teams had full score. In the second to sixth rounds the number of maxes was even higher up to 30 in round 4. The total ratio of maxes was 186 (73.8) % in 252 flights. Four smooth round were flown forenoon in low wind. The starting line was replaced one time at the end of the lunch break. The wind was stronger (up to5.5 m/s average and 7 m/s gusts) for the afternoon rounds, so the breaks were extended to help retrieving the models The sixth round was interrupted for one hour because of a local front which was passing the field with rather heavy rain and danger of lightnings. Finally, 11 competitors (30.5 %) maxed out (including one girl) and took part in the 5 min. fly-off. Still 4 entered into the 7 min fly-off in decreasing wind, where nobody maxed and rather close results decided the places on the podium. No teams maxed out, so the total times decided the medal places.

The F1B day was similar having the forenoon rounds in calm conditions and low wind in the afternoon. There was no delay, no need to extend the breaks. The “regular” front passed the field in the break between the 7th round and the 1st fly-off, so all rounds happened according the schedule. In the first round the longer maximum was reached by 18 from 29 competitors. The number of maxes increased in the consequent rounds up to 25 in round 4. The total ratio of maxes was 156 (76.8 %) in 203 flights. The 5 min fly-off was flown with 8 participants (27.6 %) 2 in low wind and only 2 stepped further to the calm 7 min fly-off where no one maxed, the French competitor was about three seconds late to fly, therefore no time was registered for him. The team positions were changing round by round, because no team had full score while the winning team lost only one second in the first round.

The F1P contest started again in calm conditions which lasted throughout the four forenoon rounds. The maximum number of maxes was 8 in rounds 1, 3 and 5. Later in low to medium wind all but one competitor missed at least one or more maxes, therefore fly-off was not necessary. The total ratio of maxes was 46 (59,7 %) in 77 flights. The break was extended between the 6th and 7th round because of retrieving problems (several models were flown over a channel). The team positions were clear already after the fourth round. The low participation shows, the F1P class is not spreading as it was expected. The winning model had the highest climb and best transition. In several cases the allowed engine running time was not used because of setting problems. The “usual” front didn’t arrived that day.


One protests was filed during the F1A day, which was upheld and the protest fee refunded. There was good cooperation between the organizers and the FAI jury to avoid problems.


The opening ceremony was organized at the centre square of Pazardhik on the usual traditional way. A dancing group made a show, The secretary of the local authority, the general secretary of the Bulgarian NAC and the FAI jury president had short greetings then the jury president officially opened the event. The FAI anthem was played while the FAI flag was raised.

The prize giving ceremony was at the same place as the opening ceremony, also on the usual way, it was a bit improvisational. Then the FAI jury president had a short speech and closed the championship. The FAI anthem was played while the FAI flag was down. The date of the prize giving has changed, it was announced at the team managers meeting and a new sheet of program was distributed. Contrary to that two winning teams missed this change, one was late by half an hour (SLO), the other arrived only for the banquet (FRA). In such a basic change a signed check list would have been more appropriate to control the flow of information.

The banquet was in the main hotel Trakia in good mood.


The jury checked the condition of the only one challenge trophy for the junior general classification of teams, which was in order, and it has the box.


A pre-recorded computer controlled program was prepared to help the Contest Director with automatic announcements, count downs, start and finish the rounds. Thanking the good weather the program was working well. There was no tour because of the lack of interest and the changed program.

It was observed, the organizers collected enough experience since the last championship in Pazardzhik, so the championship was well prepared and was running smoothly


The 2013 F1 European Championships for juniors was a successful event in all of the three classes. Thanks to the hard working organizers – led by Valentin Savov, Sotir Lazarkov and Ljubomir Bakalov as CD –, timekeepers, helpers, family members and field workers. Thanks to them for the work and efforts made for the future of the free flight aeromodelling community.