Aerodynamic Measurements of Cambered Thin Plate Airfoils at Low Reynolds Numbers, James E. Parry
Aerodynamic Measurements of Flat Plate Wing at Low Reynolds Number and Low Aspect Ratio, Kevin A. Paulson
F1E Glider Engineering, Dan Petcu
Nostalgia Engine Hop-up, Bo Clinton
The Rose Pelican, a Folding Wing F1C Power Model, Leonid Fuzeyev
F1E, Ivan Horejsi
Performance Analysis of the Playboy Sr., Richard Huang
Jigs, Tools and Techniques for Balsawood Construction, Chuck Markos
Eliminating Un-trimmable Free Flight Troubles, William F. McCombs
Poor Peoples Electronic Dethermalizer, Fritz Mueller
De-mystifying Molding Techniques, Larry Norvall
Composite Wings for Outdoor and Indoor HLG, Len Surtees
Wanted: Large Air Space, Laurie Barr
Remembering Endless October 2001, Bob Johannes
The Zeek Chronicles, Harry Murphy
Flying Aces Club, Lin Reichel