National Free Flight Society

SEN 2105

Table of Contents SEN 2105

  1. Lost Hills Update
  2. Dave Burley

Lost Hills Update
We have received some questions about the weather for the upcoming Fab Feb events.

There was a winter storm last weekend that had rain in California and snow to low levels ( about 4000 feet) .
This storm has now passed and good weather is forecast for the next 2 weeks.

This storm disrupted traffic flow on the I-5 at the Grapevine with high winds and snow for a short period but traffic is now flowing without delays. It also rained quite hard near Lost Hills.

Yesterday I took my 5th Wheel trailer (caravan) to Lost Hills. I was able to get on the field and park in the usual camping spot. The weather was sunny with reducing residual wind from the storm. The entrance road was a bit muddy but I did not have any problems in getting to the camp site. Over the next day or so I expect the sun to dry out entrance road. Because we have camped at the site for many years the ground is hard packed and was not all muddy. There is some new fresh grass on the field.

I did notice some standing water near the northern entrance and suggest that people use our regular entrance, the one with the now famous white pillars

One of the nearest weather stations to the flying field is at our neighbors to the west, Paramount Farms and it can be found in Weather Underground at Paramount Farming at this link

Dave Burley

From: John Clapp

Does anyone know how to contact the above?

John Clapp

Roger Morrell