National Free Flight Society

SEN 2154

Table of Contents SEN 2154

  1. Lost
  2. Auction
  3. Nats Timing Buddy
  4. Postponing

Lost at Rinkaby
Hi Roger
Is it possible to publish the following notice?

Lost at Rinkaby, Sweden: fallen from my pocket a GPS receiver Icare 2 (
If found please contact Many thanks.

Take care.
Didier Chevenard

Very special auction

From:Don DeLoach

At the MMM 14-Rounder this weekend there will be a very special silent auction. Lee Hines has decided to retire from HLG and has donated these two Sweepettes: the original 36D and the 30. Both are ready to fly except for light TE damage. And they both need Badge timers.

Lee Hines is a living legend. This is your chance to own a piece of history!

Each glider will be on display at the MMM 14-Rounder and the silent auctions will end at the closing of the awards ceremony, appx 6pm Sunday. Can’t attend the contest? I will accept proxy bids. Call or text 718-964-7117 with your Max bid. You must arrange for delivery.

100% of the proceeds will go to the MMM treasury, to benefit our flying fields and club programs in Colorado. Thank you Lee for you steadfast support of MMM over many years!

–Don DeLoach

Looking for Nats timing partner

Hi Roger, Could you enter the following on SEN:
I’m looking for a timing partner at the Nats: You time me in F1C and I time you exclusively in F1B or your choosing of non-conflicting event. Jerry McGlashin and I did this for years and it always was beneficial for both of us. Now Jerry is gone.

Contact me at .

Thanks, Gil Morris

From: Don DeLoach
Postponing contests based on long range weather forecasts seems like a very bad precedent. What about contestants who have bought non-refundable airline tickets months in advance? What exactly is “poor weather”?

Last weekend the forecast for Toronto metro was 8-16 mph, sunny, temps in the 60s-70s F. This weekend the forecast is for 9-13 mph with spots of rain on Saturday, sunny Sunday, 70s F both days.

I can only understand postponement due to field access issues or natural disasters like hurricanes and floods.

–Don DeLoach

This year we seem to have worse weather than normal, in California and Nevada our drought continues while most of the rest of USA and Canada there seems to be an over abundance of rain and wind.
Roger Morrell