National Free Flight Society

SEN 2173

SEN 2173 – Table of Contents

  1. USFFC flash
  2. Hardy has gone flying
  3. 51 Rocky Mountain Champs
  4. EC about to start
  5. Missing articles

USFFC news flash
From : Terry Kerger
F1S added to USFFC event schedule with mini events

Hardy has gone flying.

Re: Hardy has gone flying.
I can still hear the voice nearly 40 years later “Donde, what about my 500
bucks?” this is midnight in Ohio.
He was collecting money for the 1st container on Lost Hills.
Years later same voice same Hardy on the field “Arik , How are you? ”  etc.
His best was a dialog with old George Xenakis at LH. “what the hell are we
doing here?”
Hardy was not just an organizer, creative and doer, he was an  inspiration
and the best free flight ambassador for the reason we are still  with it.
I will miss him.
Arik Donde

51st Rocky Mountain FF Champs
From: Don DeLoach

The 51st Rocky Mountain FF Champs looms…Denver, Sept 3-4-5, 2016

Come enjoy three days of flying in our best weather weather of the year
–Perfect temps, low 60s-low 80s.
–low humidity and little chance of rain
–5×7 acre field with nary a tree or corn stalk
–CASH prize for longest string of maxes in any gas event!
–Americas Cup and National Cup EXEMPT
–Ten FAC events!
–Dawn Gas, Dawn Gollywock and HLG Mass Launch!

Thanks for your support of this premier event, and please spread to your club lists.

Don D

About to start – Eurochamps
F1A tomorrow Tuesday results are here :

Missing articles

there are couple of items that we got a while back about some “sporting anonmalies”  both of these require that the edior write something… which he has not done , too busy flying, working on timers, reporting on major events but we will get to it soon.

Roger Morrell